This section isCase study

Improvement of Roads Management System (DROMAS) in Tanzania

Training being conducted in Dar es Salaam

By improving DROMAS, the DLAs will have a more efficient means for managing and prioritizing road maintenance activities. DROMAS will provide decision-makers with the information that is necessary to justify funding commitments, to develop road operations/business plans, and to design and program activities. The achievement of this project will contribute to and support the overall objectives of the DMDP, maximise the benefits provided by the significant investments made in the city’s road transport network over the past few years and lessen the burden of the growing population in Dar es Salaam on road maintenance activities.
The project also involves conducting a citywide road condition data collection exercise in order to populate DROMAS with all required data. ITT will lead the planning, organization and mobilization needed for field data collection; and will be responsible for hiring and training the necessary teams.

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