This section isCase study
Home Office Security & Policing Innovation Award

Home Office
Awarded the ADS Security Innovation Award at Security & Policing 2020, the Official UK Government Global Security Event, with the award presented by Richard Alcock CBE, Chief Operating Officer of the Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism at the Home Office.
Intelligent Voice’s service uses powerful data analytics to meet the challenge of identifying and categorising different types of demand placed on an emergency service through priority (999 / 911) and non-priority lines, providing an insight into the demand placed on the emergency services by the public that is not available via other means.
• Reduced time taken for members of the public to connect once dialled, without increasing call handler head count
• Reduced number of hang ups prior to getting through
• Reduced calls to priority numbers that do not meet that threshold
• Reduced mis-categorisation and mis-prioritisation of answered calls
• Understand the demand from all logged and unlogged calls
Company details
28 February 1989