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Mari Magno Expertise

Mari Magno will guide you in navigating your business fortunes

Emma Heathcote, the owner of Mari Magno, brings a unique understanding and application of the principles of competitive business performance, and has created a clear and simple consultancy tool-kit that can be adapted and applied to any business, in any sector.

Emma brings 30 years of international marketing and business consultancy experience, and a wide network of professional colleagues and independent consultants, to enable your business to navigate challenging and exciting business environments, and to capitalise on new business opportunities.

Emma is a keen sailor and understands the application of sailing strategy and tactics, applied in a business consultancy context. In the same way that business professionals in China refer to the ancient ‘Art of War’ in business strategy, so too does Emma refer to the ‘principles of exploration sailing’ in business strategy.

Mari Magno will support your performance planning in a competitive business environment

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