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Korail engineers trained on ABI's BoardMaster

Korail engineers receive training on advanced electronic repair and diagnostic equipment BoardMaster.

Made in Britain by ABI Electronics, a BoardMaster unit built to specification was delivered to the rail operator in Busan by ABI's local distributor Incore Technology. This was the second BoardMaster acquired by Korail in less than two years. The system was specially configured to deliver three-dimensional signature analysis, digital and analogue functional test for ICs and PCBs, eight software controlled measurement instruments, variable power supply and ABI's new SmartSwitch.

Managing director Mr. James Hong from Incore reported that "among those who participated in the training, some had used competitive products but nothing quite as simple and as effective as the BoardMaster. They were very satisfied with the unique features and user-friendliness of the ABI system."

ABI's BoardMaster is used by over 45 international rail operators, transit agencies and OEMs. It minimises human error with its straightforward hardware design, unified instruments and refined software.

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14 June 1984

