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BPH treatment with Dr Allen's Device
High effectiveness of Thermobalancing therapy and Dr Allen's Device for BPH treatment has been confirmed in a clinical trial. It shows a powerful treatment effect of Dr Allen’s Device on the reduction of the enlarged prostate volume, and on the reduction of disturbing lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS).
Moreover, Dr Allen’s Device improves the quality of life of men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Treatment with Dr Allen's Device is clinically proven to be totally safe. In most cases, Dr Allen's Device can be used as the first-line treatment for BPH, without the need for long-term courses of medications or surgical procedures.
Further information about this novel, non-invasive treatment can be found in the medical article, titled “Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Kidney Stone Disease Thermobalancing Therapy with Dr Allen’s Device: Key to Successful Ageing Without Medications, Surgery, and Risky Exposure to Coronavirus Infection”, published in Nephro-Urology Monthly:
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