Business details
Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
1-10 employees
Core industry
UK registered company - number 07469262
Registered office address:
20-22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU
Company description
Verrimus are TSCM specialists and maintain a global reach with the capability to react to our clients needs quickly and discreetly. Our clients benefit from the extensive capabilities of our personnel, built up through decades of public service in the military and other agencies. Verrimus’s service schedule is formed around our mission statement to provide ‘Advantage Through Knowledge’. Our Counter Intelligence Services provided to our clients assist them to protect their critical information from theft of any kind. Our Training Services provide our clients with the raw knowledge they require to enable them to carry out their operational function at the highest levels. We also run the only dedicated Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM) training facility in Europe. Providing Law Enforcement, Government, military and commercial in-house TSCM teams with bespoke operational TSCM training, TSCM equipment procurement and evaluations and OPEVAL quality assurance training delivered using live training scenarios.
Products and services
technical surveillance, counter measures, privacy, protection, training, TSCM, eavesdropping detection, bugging, TSCM training, military TSCM