United States - Y1DA--668-24-112 Replace Steam Connection to Building 14

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
19 September 2024
Opportunity publication date
21 August 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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You are invited to submit an offer in response to this solicitation titled, 668-24-112 Replace Steam Connection to Building 14 .
This acquisition will use best value tradeoff source selection procedures in accordance with FAR Part 15, based on the best overall (i.e., best value) proposal that is determined to be the most beneficial to the Government with appropriate consideration given to the non-price and price factors. This acquisition is a 100% set-aside for Small Business (SB) concerns.

The exclusive responsibility for Source Selection will reside with the Government. Proprietary information submitted in response to this solicitation shall be clearly marked as such and will be protected from unauthorized disclosure as required by Subsection 27 of the Office of Procurement Policy Act as amended (41 U.S.C. 423)

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(Hereinafter referred to as "the Act") as implemented in the FAR. Any unmarked proprietary information will be considered releasable under the restrictions of the Freedom of Information Act.

For submission requirements designated as shall or must, failure to provide the requested information may be considered a deficiency. For submission requirements designated as should, failure to provide the requested information may result in a lower rating for the specified factor.

The following Point of Contact (POC) is provided for this acquisition. Address any questions or concerns you may have to the POC via email listed below no later than August 30, 2024, 11:00 AM (PST). The government is not obligated to answer any questions submitted after this date. Furthermore, all questions shall be submitted by the prime contractor(s) on behalf of their subcontractor(s) and supplier(s). Questions submitted by subcontractors and/or suppliers directly to the POCs above, or if applicable, the AE of Record, will be rejected and not answered.

Clarifications and answers will be provided only in response to written requests for clarification and will be made available to all Offerors simultaneously by Amendment to this solicitation. Written requests for clarification should be emailed to the addresses indicated below. The government assumes no responsibility for non-delivery due to problems with email servers, and no extensions will be granted for these issues.

Dennis Einarson
Contracting Officer

A formal site visit has been scheduled for this project. This will be the only opportunity for potential Offerors to visit the site. All potential Offerors, subcontractors, and suppliers are strongly encouraged to attend this site visit. See FAR 52.236-27 of this solicitation for further information.

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Proposals must be submitted electronically via e-mail to the POC noted in the Formal Communications paragraph above no later than September 16, 2024, at 10:00 AM (PST). Submissions exceeding file 10MB shall be broken into multiple e-mails or coordinated with the POC to assure successful file sharing. No hard copies of proposals will be accepted (hand delivered or traditional mail). The government reserves the right to request hard copies in binder format in the event of a formal protest.

Proposals shall not contain classified data. The use of hyperlinks in proposals are prohibited. The government will not be responsible for proposals delivered to any location or to anyone other than the Contracting Office. Offerors are responsible for ensuring that proposals are submitted so as to reach the Contracting Office by the date and time stated in this solicitation.

Offerors are cautioned to strictly comply with all instructions within this solicitation to ensure submission of a complete proposal. Failure to furnish a complete proposal at the time of proposal submission may result in an unacceptable proposal that the Government eliminates from consideration for award. The Government will not accept any changes to Offerors' proposals after the closing date of this solicitation (see FAR 15.208 for further information regarding late proposals).

Offerors are cautioned that parroting of the requirements of the Plans and Specifications with a statement of intent to perform does not reflect an understanding of the requirement or capability to perform. Offerors are responsible for including sufficient details to permit a complete and accurate evaluation of their proposal. Proprietary information should be clearly marked.

The Government reserves the right to cancel this solicitation, either before or after the closing date. In the event the Government cancels this solicitation, the Government has no obligation to reimburse an Offeror for any costs.

Disposition of Unsuccessful Proposals: in compliance with FAR Subpart 4.8, the Government will retain one copy of all unsuccessful proposals.

Standard Form (SF) 1442 Solicitation, Offer, and Award:
The Offeror must complete and sign the OFFER section of the SF 1442. Please include your company s Unique Entity Identifier associated with SAM.gov in block 14.
Acknowledgement of All Amendments:
The Offeror must acknowledge and agree to all amendments by either 1.) completing block 19 of the SF 1442, or 2.) returning the signed amendment form(s) with the submission.
Bid Guarantee:
The Offeror must furnish a bid guarantee (see FAR 52.228-1). The bid guarantee must be provided on Standard Form 24.
Representations & Certifications:
As the provision at FAR 52.204-7 is included in the solicitation, FAR 52.204-8(d) applies and the fill-in for FAR 52.204-8(b)(2) does not need to be completed. The Offeror is required to complete the annual representations and certifications electronically at https://sam.gov/.
Representation Regarding Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment:
The Offeror must provide their response to FAR 52.204-24(d) Representation, unless the requirements in the first paragraph of this provision have been met.
Information Regarding Responsibility Matters:
The Offeror must provide their response to FAR 52.209-7(b).
Violation of Arms Control Treaties or Agreements:
The Offeror must provide their response to FAR 52.209-13(b) Certification.
Post-Award Small Business Program Representation:
The Offeror must provide their response to FAR 52.219-28(h), if applicable.
Tax on Certain Foreign Procurements Notice and Representation:
The Offeror must provide their response to FAR 52.229-11(d).
Limitations on Subcontracting:
The Offeror must complete and sign the VA Notice of Limitations on Subcontracting Certificate of Compliance for Services and Construction required in VAAR 852.219-75 and return it with their submission. A copy of the clause to be completed and included with the proposal is attached as a separate document (Attachment 07 - Limitations on Subcontracting - Construction). The completed and signed form will become part of the official award documentation.
Notice to SB Joint Venture/Mentor Protegee:
Any Offeror submitting a proposal as a joint venture must provide a certification from each SB joint partner, signed by an authorized official of each partner to the joint venture, stating that the parties to the joint venture (1) have entered into a joint venture agreement that fully complies with paragraph (c) of 13 CFR § 128.402 and (2) will perform the contract in compliance with the joint venture agreement. Failure to submit the certification with the Offeror s proposal, may deem the proposal non-responsive.
Contractor Rules of Behavior:
Offers must complete the Contractor Rules of Behavior as required by VA Handbook 6500.6. offers must initial and date each page and can be found at Attachment 6 of the solicitation.


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Proposal submission should be in PDF format compatible with the latest version of Adobe Acrobat.

Offerors proposals should consist of two (2) volumes (see content requirements below). Please title files in the following format:

Solicitation Number Company Name Volume 1 Past Performance Proposal
Solicitation Number Company Name Volume 2 Price Proposal
Each paragraph should be separated by at least one blank line. A standard, 12-point minimum font size applies. Arial or Times New Roman fonts are required. Tables and illustrations may use a reduced font size no less than 8-point and may be landscape oriented. Files should use the following page setup parameters: Margins Top, Bottom, Left, Right 1 Gutter 0 From Edge Header, Footer 0.5 Page Size, Width 8.5 Page Size, Height 11. .

If discussions are required, pages that are revised (due to discussions or proposal revisions) should be a different color and have revised information clearly marked by a vertical line in the right margin of the page. The revised pages should be dated.

The submission should be clearly indexed and logically assembled. Each volume should be clearly identified and should begin at the top of a page. All pages of each volume should be numbered consecutively and identified by the complete company name, date, and solicitation number in the header and/or footer. A Table of Contents should be included.


Proposal Volume
Evaluation Factors

Page Limit
Past Performance
No Limit

All pages with written content, including cover letters, Table of Contents pages, tables, illustrations, and appendices will be counted in the page calculation. Pages that exceed the page limitations will be removed, not read, and not evaluated.

Factor 1: Past Performance
Offerors shall submit a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of five (5) projects completed (or if not completed at least 75% complete) within the past seven (7) years, as of the issue date of this solicitation, that best demonstrate its team s experience on recent and relevant projects that are similar in scope, complexity, size, and price to the work required under this solicitation. Note: if more than five (5) projects are submitted, only the first five (5) projects will be evaluated.

At least two (2) projects shall be provided for the Prime (the entity signing the SF1442). If the Offeror is a Joint Venture (JV), recent and relevant project experience shall be submitted for projects completed by the JV entity. If the JV does not have experience, such projects shall be submitted for each JV partner.

To be considered relevant, submitted projects must be similar in scope, complexity, size, and price, as defined in Section M. To be considered recent, submitted projects must be completed (or if not completed at least 75% complete) within the past seven (7) years, as of the issue date of this solicitation. A project is defined as work performed under a single task order or contract.

For each project, Offerors should submit past performance information as follows:

A narrative of the project that clearly describes the scope of work performed, and the relevancy to, the project requirements of this solicitation (i.e., unique features, area, construction methods, location, customer, etc.). The role of the Offeror or team member on the past project must be clear and related to that entity's roll under this requirement.

For Federal Government projects with a CPARS Evaluation: provide the contract number, contract place of performance, and DUNS number. In the case of Indefinite Delivery type contracts, GSA contracts, and Blanket Purchase Agreements, include Task or Delivery Order Numbers.
For non-Federal Government projects, commercial projects, and Federal Government projects without a CPARS Evaluation: provide a PPQ (see solicitation Attachment 8). The Offeror should complete Blocks 1-4 of the PPQ and send it to the non-Federal project client or commercial project client. The client should complete Blocks 5-8 along with the two-page questionnaire.

If the Offeror is unable to obtain a completed PPQ from a client for a project before the proposal closing date, the Offeror should complete and submit, with the proposal, the first page of the PPQ, which will provide contract and client information. The Government may make reasonable attempts to contact the client noted for that project to obtain the PPQ information. However, Offerors should follow-up with clients/references to help ensure timely submittal of questionnaires.

Alternatively, Offerors may submit a copy of the client s signed PPQ for a completed contract or task order. In cases where the validity of the completed PPQ is questioned, the government may contact the reference(s) for verification or additional information. Veterans Affairs does not intend to create or maintain a database of PPQs submitted by Offerors. Therefore, it will be Offerors responsibilities to ensure their submission of PPQs in their proposals are relevant to the solicitation. Alternatively, Offerors may obtain an updated/new PPQ from its client(s) for submission as provided above.

The Government may use data provided by Offerors in their proposals, and data obtained from other sources, including data in government files. The Government reserves the right to obtain past performance information from any source available and has the right to contact customers other than those listed by the Offeror to evaluate past performance. The Government reserves the right to verify statements the Offeror makes regarding its past performance to determine whether they are substantiated.

Factor 4: Price
Offerors should provide a table of contents and should number all pages consecutively. Volume 2 should be submitted in a separate file from Volume 1. The price proposal should be broken down into sections as defined below.

Section 1: The name(s) and title(s) of the person(s) authorized to negotiate and sign a contract. Also, provide a Certificate of Corporate Authority or other applicable documentation of authorized signature(s) for each authorized individual.
Section 2: The Offer (the SF1442) duly executed with an original signature by an official authorized to bind the company.

Section 3: Acknowledgement of all amendments to the solicitation in accordance with the instructions on the Standard Form 30 (Amendment form).

Section 4: The completed Section K of the solicitation (i.e., Representations, Certifications, and Other Statements of Offerors). All cost and pricing data supplied by Offerors will represent data other than certified cost or pricing data as defined by FAR 2.101. Representations, Certifications, and Other Statements may also be accomplished via sam.gov, but must be complete and up to date prior to the proposal deadline.

Section 5: Each Offeror is required to complete the price schedule. The base proposal shall include all work identified in the SOW, specifications, and drawings.

Opportunity closing date
19 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer


Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

This website contains links to other websites that we do not control or maintain. We are not responsible for the content of these sites. We provide these links for your convenience only, and do not necessarily endorse their content.

Before entering into a contract you need to apply for any necessary export licences, which can include applications to trade in certain goods. You should also make your own enquiries and be satisfied by the accuracy of any information supplied to you.

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