Germany - With the Stuttgart 21 project, the Stuttgart railroad junction was comprehensively reorganized.

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
07 October 2024
Opportunity publication date
09 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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With the Stuttgart 21 project, the Stuttgart railroad junction was comprehensively reorganized. This extensive project includes the construction of two new twin-tube tunnels, which run north of the new Stuttgart main station in the direction of Bad Cannstatt and Feuerbach and each have a length of around 4 kilometers. A central component of the project is the so-called P option (Prague option), which was already examined in the regional planning procedure for Stuttgart 21. In addition to the Feuerbach tunnel, this option provides for a further double-track connection of the railroad line from Feuerbach via the access routes from Bad Cannstatt in order to enable an additional transport connection for regional and long-distance trains. The implementation of this measure will create a four-track connection from the direction of Stuttgart Feuerbach to the underground station, which will lead to significantly increased flexibility in this area. The state of Baden-Württemberg has commissioned the completion of preparatory measures in the junction area of the P option even before the Stuttgart 21 project goes into operation. As part of the first construction phase (BA I), the cross-section of the Cannstatt tunnel will be enlarged and the first 20 meters of the new Wartberg tunnel will be built in order to be able to make the later connection without operational restrictions. This first construction phase is to be completed before the Cannstatt tunnel goes into operation. The second construction phase (BA II) of the P-Option project comprises the remaining part of the Wartberg tunnel. This tunnel consists of two single-track tubes with a circular profile and is of central importance for the connection between the Bad Cannstatt tunnel and the existing route to Feuerbach. The third construction phase (BAIII) of the project, and the central component of this tender, comprises the detailed planning and execution of the necessary structures and infrastructure measures to connect the Wartberg tunnel to the existing line (route 4800). This includes a tunnel section built using the cut-and-cover method, which connects to the mined tunnel, as well as a subsequent trough structure. An earth structure leads on to the Pragtunnel (mainline railroad), which consists of two parallel tubes and was originally built in the 1910s. For the overall P-Option project (BAI to BAIII), the planning of the technical track equipment is the subject of this planning service. The planning for the double-track connection of the Panoramabahn to Feuerbach is also included. A level-free crossing with line 4801 is to be planned here. The necessary relocation of the S-Bahn tracks also leads to an adaptation of the northern station, with the necessary replanning of the listed Brünner Steg.

Opportunity closing date
07 October 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

DB InfraGO AG - Geschäftsbereich Fahrweg (Bukr 16)

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