United States - W912HN25B4000 - PN097211 - Construct Child Development Center Fort Liberty NC

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
15 January 2025
Opportunity publication date
26 November 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Report opportunity


View Changes The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers {USACE) Savannah District is issuing an Invitation for Bid (IFB) W912HN25B4000 for Project Number: 097211, Construct Child Development Center, Fort Liberty, North Carolina.
Note: This solicitation will result in a Firm-Fixed Price C-Type Stand-alone contract.
Type of Contract & NAICS: This Acquisition will be solicited using FAR Part 14, Sealed Bid Procedures for one (1) Firm-Fixed-Price (FFP) contract. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code is 236220 – Commercial and Institutional Building Construction, with a Small Business size standard of $45M.
Product Service Code: Y1CZ – Construction of other Education Buildings
Type of Set-Aside: This acquisition is being offered as a 100% Small Business (SB) Set-Aside
Construction Magnitude: In accordance with DFARS 236.204, the magnitude of this construction project is anticipated to be between $25,000,000 and $50,000,000.
Project Labor Agreement: Notice of Project Labor Agreement Requirement In accordance with FAR 52.222-33 Alternate I, a PLA will be required from the apparent low/successful offeror prior to award. FAR 52.222-34 Project Labor Agreement is applicable to this project.
Site Visit: A Site Visit will be held 10 December 2024 at 0930 hours. Contractors will report to the Barracks Resident Office at 3630 Alpha Street, Bldg. 3-2716, Fort Liberty, North Carolina.       
Site Visit POC: Karl Miller - karl.j.miller@usace.army.mil - (910) 723-6572
Bid Due Date: 15 January 2025 via PIEE at 1100hrs.
Virtual Public Bid Opening: 15 January 2025 at 1200hrs. A Webex Link will be posted to SAM.gov on this page, one (1) day before bid opening.
Period of Performance: The period of performance including all options is 1,080 Calendar Days after the issuance of the notice to proceed.
Project Scope: This is a new requirement to construct a Child Development Center for children six weeks to five years of age with adjacent play area for children supporting facilities at Fort Liberty, North Carolina. The current building is a standard design child development center with outdoor play areas for children between the ages 6 weeks - 5 years of age. The Child Development Center facility includes developmental learning modules, activity areas, an isolation room, changing areas, patron visitor waiting area, administrative support space, staff lounge, work rooms, commercial kitchen, laundry storage, supply room, information systems, fire protection and alarm systems, Electronic Security Systems (ESS), Fire and Life Safety (FLS) systems, and Utility Monitoring and Control Systems (UMCS) connection. Additionally, the facility includes outdoor play areas with age-appropriate child development equipment, safety surfacing, and fencing. Sustainability and energy enhancement measure are included.
Supporting facilities for the Child Development Center include site development, utilities and connections, lighting, paving, parking, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, bioretention areas, information systems, landscaping, and signage. Work will also include installation of video monitoring, alarm, and intercom systems for safety. Air conditioning will be provided by standalone chillers located adjacent to the facility. Measures in accordance with the Department of Defense Minimum Antiterrorism for Buildings standards will be provided. Access for individuals with disabilities will be provided. Facilities will be designed to a minimum life of 40 years in accordance with DoD's Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC 1-200-02) including energy efficiencies, building envelope and integrated building systems performance.
This project is fully designed, and all technical specifications and drawings will be provided at the issuance of the Solicitation.
Solicitation Website: The official solicitation, when posted, will be available free of charge by electronic posting only and may be found on the System of Award Management System {SAM) website, https://sam.gov. Paper copies of the solicitation will not be issued. Therefore, telephone and Fax requests for this solicitation will not be honored.
Project files are Portable Document Format (PDF) files and can be viewed, navigated, or printed using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Contractors must register at the SAM website at https://sam.gov to download the solicitation for this project.
If/when issued, Amendments will be posted to the above-referenced website for electronic downloading. This will be the only method of distributing amendments before closing; therefore, the Offerors must check the website periodically for any amendments to the solicitation.
Registrations: System for Award Management (SAM)-Offerors shall maintain an active registration in the SAM database at https://sam.gov to be eligible for a Government contract award. Suppose the Offeror is a Joint Venture (JV). In that case, the JV entity shall have valid SAM registration in the SAM database representing the JV as one business/firm/entity. If an Offeror is not actively and successfully registered in the SAM database at the time of award, the Government reserves the right to award to the next prospective Offeror.
Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE): The only authorized transmission method for bids in response to the forthcoming solicitation is electronic via Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Solicitation Module. No Other Transmission Method (E-mail, Facsimile, U.S. Postal Mail, Hand Carried, etc.) Will Be Accepted. Offerors must have an active Proposal Manager role in PIEE at https://piee.eb.mil/.
Point of Contacts: Contracting Officer - Mr. Greg Graham - gregory.m.graham@usace.army.mil
Contract Specialist – Ms. Tatjana Fisher – Tatjana.m.fisher@usace.army.mil

Opportunity closing date
15 January 2025
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer


Bid for tender

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