Canada - W6898-250709 RFP - Heating Systems Inspection and Repair - DND, NB

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
19 September 2024
Opportunity publication date
28 August 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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The work under this Service Contract covers the furnishing of all labour, material, tools and equipment required to provide inspection and repair services to heating systems at Barrack Green Armoury, HMCS Brunswicker Naval Reserve and HMCS Brunswicker Naval Reserve Boat House in St. John, NB. The period of the contract is for a period of one-year after ward of contract with the option to extend for two (2) additional years.

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Contract duration

Refer to the description above for full details.

Trade agreements

Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA)

Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA)

Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement

Canada-Honduras Free Trade Agreement

Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement (CKFTA)

Canada-Panama Free Trade Agreement

Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement (CPFTA)

Reason for limited tendering
A contracting officer can use limited tendering for specific reasons outlined in the applicable trade agreements. The reason for this contract is described below:


Partner with another business

The functionality to add your company name to the list of interested businesses is temporarily unavailable.
This list does not replace or affect the tendering procedures for this procurement process. Businesses are still required to respond to bid solicitations, and to compete based on the set criteria. For more information please read the Terms of use.

Opportunity closing date
19 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Department of Public Works and Government Services (PSPC)

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