Mauritius - Upgrading OF roche bois footbridge across motorway m2

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
29 July 2024
Opportunity publication date
28 June 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Opportunity closing date
29 July 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

ROADDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY   Invitation for Bids (IFB) (Authorised under section 14(2) of the Public Procurement Act 2006) (as amended) Open National  Bidding     UPGRADING OF ROCHE BOIS FOOTBRIDGEACROSS MOTORWAY M2  (DESIGN-BUILD/TURNKEY)     Procurement Ref.: E/W/RDA/66/06-2024     1.   TheRoadDevelopmentAuthorityis inviting bids from eligible bidders of Mauritian nationals or entities incorporated in Mauritius through the Government eProcurement System for the UPGRADING OF ROCHE BOIS FOOTBRIDGEACROSS MOTORWAY M2(DESIGN-BUILD/TURNKEY).    2.   Bidding documents maybedownloaded fromthe eProcurementSystem: ReferenceNumberontheSystemis RDA/IFB/2024/464   3.   Bids mustbesubmitted online on the eProcurementSystematlatestbyas per Key Activity Schedule.   4.   Bidderswhohavesubmittedbidsonlinebytheclosingdateandtimeshalldecryptandre-encrypt theirbidsas per Key Activity Schedule.   5.   BidswillbeopenedonlineattheaddressgivenhereunderKey Activity Schedule. RoadDevelopmentAuthority8th Floor, Blue Tower, RuedeL’Institut, Ebene, Mauritius.   6.   TheRoadDevelopmentAuthorityreservestherighttoacceptorrejectanybidandtoannulthe biddingprocessandreject allbidsatanytimepriortoawardoftheContract,withoutthereby incurring any liability to anyBidder.   28 June 2024

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