Chile - Transfer service for c.p. biobio

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
15 January 2025
Opportunity publication date
03 January 2025
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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The program provides care to pregnant women and those who remain with their infants up to two years of age in prison, regardless of their procedural status as accused or convicted. This program is located in the Biobio Penitentiary Complex, located in Camino a Penco N°450ª, and it receives pregnant and breastfeeding women from the different Guarantee Courts of the Biobio Region, without prejudice that the unit requiring the service is the PREGNANT AND BREASTFEEDING WOMEN TRANSFER SERVICE FOR THE GENDARMERÍA DE CHILE.

For the development of this Program it is required to contract two types of services:
1.- Transportation service for programmed and emergency departures for the transfer of minors and pregnant women: one or more persons and there could be simultaneous departures on the same day to the different sectors of the Province of Concepción, to carry out procedures in the different public or health institutions, both there and back. The service offered must contemplate availability 365 days a year, 24 hours a day from this Penitentiary Establishment.

The driver must respect and comply at all times with the traffic regulations related to the transport of infants, empowering Gendarmería de Chile to terminate the contract in advance without compensation and to collect a guarantee of faithful compliance with the contract.

For transfers that are not considered, i.e., exceptional, will be charged per km traveled.

2. Transportation service Van transportation service for pregnant women and women with breastfeeding children who are formalized as accused or convicted from any Court of Guarantee of the Biobio Region, one or more persons and could have simultaneous departures on the same day and must be transferred to a mother and child section that has space within the region as CDP Arauco or to a mother and child section outside the region that would be CPF Bulnes, CDP Angol, CPF Talca, CPF Temuco and CDP Villarrica.

Opportunity closing date
15 January 2025
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Dirección Regional de Gendarmeria - Concepcion, Región del Bio Bío

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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