Germany - The town of Barsinghausen is planning to expand the Gänsefüßche daycare center

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
16 October 2024
Opportunity publication date
13 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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The town of Barsinghausen is planning to extend the Gänsefüßchen daycare center at Gänsefußweg 40 in 30890 Barsinghausen with a single-storey extension.
An architectural office and the necessary specialist planning offices are to be commissioned for the planning and construction supervision.

The Gänsefüßchen daycare center opened in November 2021. The following specialist planners were involved in the construction and planning phase
Architecture firm ART-plan from Hanover, IBH Ingenieurbüro Höyns and Planungsgesellschaft Hildesheim mbH (TGA). The site, which was formerly used for agricultural purposes, is located to the east of Gänsefußweg - a residential road with little traffic that ends as a dead end in the area of the daycare center - and has a slight slope to the north. An older residential area borders to the south, agricultural land to the west and north, and an industrial estate is located further north.

The daycare center currently offers space for two kindergarten groups with 25 children each and an inclusion group with 18 children, including the associated ancillary rooms.

The detached building is a single-storey, timber-frame construction on a reinforced concrete base and is classified as building class 3.
The flat roof is designed as a green roof. The mono-pitched roof surface as a strip light above the play corridor arranged centrally in the east-west axis, as well as numerous skylight domes, ensure adequate natural lighting and ventilation of all common areas.

Electricity is used as the energy source in the building for space heating, domestic hot water, air conditioning and lighting. Two air-to-water heat pumps installed outside supply the underfloor heating and a ventilation system with heat via a buffer tank.
There is a combined supply and exhaust air system with a constant volume flow. Decentralized ventilation systems with heat recovery are installed in the ceiling area of the sanitary facilities for the three group rooms.
The drinking water supply is decentralized with instantaneous water heaters.

The planned extension is to be realized through an extension in the western part of the building. Two additional group rooms and the associated bedrooms and ancillary rooms are to be created. Access is to be provided both internally via the western door of the play corridor and externally via the paved area to the north of the daycare center.
The building services installations are to be extended accordingly.

As the construction phase will take place during ongoing operations, the client places particular demands on the coordination of all parties involved and the participation of users - both before and during the construction phase.
Care must be taken to ensure that all safety-related issues, e.g. fire protection and building services functions (heating, ventilation, electrical and sanitary) are guaranteed for users during the conversion phase. All disruption to employees must be avoided as far as possible.

Opportunity closing date
16 October 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Stadt Barsinghausen

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