Germany - The rising demand for qualified nursing staff is leading to an increasing

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
30 September 2024
Opportunity publication date
31 July 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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The increasing demand for qualified nurses leads to an increasing demand for qualified teachers. Added to this is the increasing number of retiring cohorts, which increases the need for qualified nurses and qualified teachers. Both are of great socio-political relevance. A good teacher-student ratio is a central element of high-quality training. According to the 2nd report of the Nursing Training Campaign, the ratio of full-time teaching staff to 20 training places, which is currently specified as a minimum requirement in Section 9 (2) PflBG, is not even met in some federal states. The shortage of teaching staff in the field of nursing is already making itself felt at nursing schools. Data from the first survey wave 2022\/2024 from the BIBB Nursing Panel shows that two thirds of the nursing schools surveyed (n=902) see a need for support in the acquisition of teaching staff. However, the exact extent of the problem can hardly be determined at present due to a lack of reliable nationwide data.
Against this background, this research project aims to use a mixed-method approach to gain comprehensive insights into teacher training, the professional situation of nursing teachers, the infrastructural and personnel resources of nursing schools and the future demand for teaching staff. These findings will be used to derive political, practical and scientific recommendations for action that will help to improve the situation of teachers and nursing schools, increase the number of study places for teachers at nursing schools and enhance the attractiveness of the nursing teaching profession.

Opportunity closing date
30 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB)

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