Germany - The popular swimming pool in the castle town of Hückeswagen was built in 1974 and is

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
29 July 2024
Opportunity publication date
01 July 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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The popular swimming pool in the castle town of Hückeswagen was built in 1974 and is now in serious need of renovation. It is to be replaced by a new building.

The subject of the tender is initially project management services for the project described above in accordance with the "Leistungsbild Projektsteuerung" (AHO publication series no. 9; 5th edition March 2020). The basic services contained therein (all project stages) are to be awarded with the exception of the areas of activity relating to contractual and insurance services, i.e. I.E.5 and II.E.2. Unless otherwise stated in the award procedure, the exact content and scope of the individual partial services should be based on the "Commentary on the basic services of project management" in Section 3 of AHO Booklet No. 9.

Special services\/engineering services
At the request of the client, the contractor must participate in meetings of political bodies and events for public participation or information for the project. The client may also stipulate that the contractor must prepare the content of the events, moderate them and take minutes. The client shall coordinate the timing and content of such events with the contractor in good time. Five dates in different project phases are to be assumed.

The contractor must set up and operate a project communication system over the course of the project and conclude it at the end of the project.

Requirements for the new swimming pool were defined during the preparatory committee meetings. These requirements are to be concretized and coordinated as requirements planning. On this basis, the contractor draws up a room book and the functional service description. This is also based on the KOK guidelines for the construction of swimming pools issued by the German Swimming Pool Association.

The contractor shall prepare economic feasibility studies for any alternative solutions that may be considered.

The contractor shall draw up a cost framework and a utilization cost framework on the basis described above.

The Contractor shall draw up a framework schedule for the course of the project, including the award procedure to the TÜ, planning and execution phase up to the handover of the project. He shall update this when the time schedule of the TC is available.

The rear part of the overall construction site is to be kept free for a sports hall to be built later. A new central heating system will be built on the property by the client, which will supply the swimming pool to be built and the neighboring elementary school and multi-purpose hall with heating energy. For this purpose, the contractor will create the structural and process-organizational basis for planning, comprehensive monitoring and control, thereby ensuring the linking of the projects.

Based on the room book and the functional service description, the contractor prepares the technical tender documents for a total contractor tender and coordinates these with the client and the law firm Lenz und Johlen, which is responsible for the formal tender procedure and the contracts.

The Contractor shall advise the Client on the selection of participants in the procedure. The contractor carries out the technical bid review of the TÜ and checks the bids technically and for compliance with the room book and the functional service description. He takes part in negotiation meetings with the applicants. He advises the client on the evaluation of the bids and the selection of the TÜ to be commissioned.

The contractor shall prepare a cost estimate in accordance with DIN 276 as the basis for the invitation to tender. A usage cost estimate must also be prepared and the usage costs managed.

The contractor must prepare any necessary operator concept in coordination with the client.

The contractor shall prepare a detailed commissioning plan involving all project participants and users.

For review... (The text has been cut off. You can find the entire text in the PDF file)

Opportunity closing date
29 July 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Schloss-Stadt Hückeswagen

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