Germany - The object of the overall measure is the expansion and electrification of the so-called

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
19 February 2025
Opportunity publication date
27 January 2025
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Report opportunity


The object of the overall measure is the expansion and electrification of the so-called Hochrheinbahn in the section between Basel Bad Bf. and Erzingen (Baden) of the line from Mannheim main station (Hbf.) to Constance station (Bf.) with the VzG number 4000 by DB InfraGo AG.
The approximately 75 km long section of line from Basel Bad Bf. via Bf. Waldshut to Bf. Erzingen (Baden) is a section of the Badische Hauptbahn Mannheim - Basel Bad Bf. - Konstanz, which was opened in 1863. Due to its geographical location, this section from Basel Bad Bf. to Constance station is also known as the Hochrheinbahn and is the second rail connection from the German side for Basel and the neighboring Swiss conurbation alongside the Rheintalbahn.
The section of line is owned by DB InfraGo AG and, for the parts on Swiss territory, by the Federal Railway Fund as the infrastructure operator of the German lines on Swiss territory. DB InfraGo AG and DB Energie GmbH are the owners of the facilities at the stations and the traction current supply.

The investment sum for this project is estimated at EUR 483.899 million. Approximately EUR 24.2729 million of this has already been invoiced under an existing contract. The new insurance contract tendered here will replace the existing contract. The currently planned construction period is expected to last until 13.12.2027. The insurance contract will commence after the end of the tendering process on the date of the contract award following a currently existing advance cover.

(Type L) In the liability insurance, the sum insured per claim is EUR 25,000,000 lump sum for personal injury, property damage and financial loss, including benefits from the environmental liability insurance.
In planning liability insurance, a separate lump sum cover of EUR 10,000,000 per claim is available for property damage and financial loss. The above-mentioned sums are maximized threefold.
The extended maintenance in the construction and installation insurance section is 42 months. The extended liability is 10 years for liability insurance and 5 years for environmental liability and environmental damage insurance.
The general deductible is at least EUR 25,000. The deductible does not apply to personal injury.
Extended planning cover is included in the planning liability insurance. The deductible for extended planning cover is EUR 100,000

Opportunity closing date
19 February 2025
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Deutsche Bahn AG

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