Germany - The municipality of Kerken (hereinafter referred to as the municipality) as the client is a district

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
26 September 2024
Opportunity publication date
07 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Report opportunity


The municipality of Kerken (hereinafter referred to as the municipality) as the client is a district municipality in the Kleve district with around 13,000 inhabitants. The municipality intends to start implementing the urban development design for the planned residential development 2nd construction phase Gromansfeld in Aldekerk-Süd. The spatial scope of the development plan is located in the south of the Aldekerk district, to the east of the Gromansfeld I. construction area, to the south of the play area. Construction phase, south of the play and sports area on Kempener Straße and west of the Ackermansfeld construction area. The planning area covers around 8.31 ha. In the plan area, 11 apartment buildings (building plots generally > 700 m2), 77 detached single-family houses (one-\/two-family houses from 450 m2) and 3 semi-detached houses (for building plots from 300 m2) are to be built. In addition, a day nursery is planned to the south of the large play area with approx. 3,660 m2.

The municipality grants the concessionaire the right to use the public traffic areas at its disposal and other public and non-public land and buildings belonging to the municipality for the purpose of laying and operating district heating pipelines and supplying the property owners for the public supply of district heating in the development plan area, Aldekerk-Süd, 2nd construction phase. This also applies to other district heating supply systems and accessories. This right has a term of 20 years.

The municipality guarantees the concessionaire an obligation to connect and use the district heating supply for a period of 10 years as agreed with the property owners in the purchase contract. At the end of the 10 years, the connection and usage obligation for the property owners in the planning area expires. From this point onwards, the concessionaire bears the risk for its future order situation. This means that the property owners are no longer bound to purchase the heating energy.

The subject of this procedure is a concession agreement for the district heating supply.

The concessionaire is entitled and obliged to connect and supply anyone in the Aldekerk-Süd, 2 BA development plan supply area to its district heating supply network, provided that the necessary generation, supply and distribution facilities are available and the connection and supply are economically reasonable.

The licensee has the option of either setting up its own combined heat and power plant or purchasing the required heating energy from Stadtwerke Kempen GmbH at standard market conditions. The heating tariff of Stadtwerke Kempen GmbH serves as a guide to pricing.

A concession agreement is attached to the procedural documents. Bids will be submitted on the basis of the attached concession agreement. Negotiations on the concession agreement are excluded.

The invitation to tender is a competitive procedure. Public procurement regulations do not apply.

The binding bids submitted as part of the competitive procedure will be examined and evaluated and a bidding order will be determined on the basis of the announced award criteria. Bidders who are not awarded the contract will not be informed in advance by electronic means.

Opportunity closing date
26 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Gemeinde Kerken

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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