Germany - The joint municipality of Bersenbrück intends to renovate the west wing of Rieste elementary school.

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
07 August 2024
Opportunity publication date
23 June 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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The joint municipality of Bersenbrück intends to renovate the west wing of Rieste elementary school in terms of energy efficiency, carry out conversion work and construct a new extension for general classrooms. The planning services required for this are to be awarded by means of a Europe-wide tendering procedure. The overall measure is to be divided into 2 cost centers (accounting centers). The resulting additional expenditure is to be included in the tender as a special service.cost center I: Energy refurbishment of the west wingThe west wing of Rieste elementary school has been extended several times over the years. Various refurbishment measures were carried out during the period of use, such as fire protection measures in the stairwells, acoustic measures and replacement of the lighting. A complete refurbishment of the entire building is planned. The basic aim is to achieve an energy standard of BEG Energy Efficiency House 40. The individual refurbishment measures are to be coordinated with an energy consultant to be commissioned, the specialist planning for technical building equipment and the various users of the building. In the course of processing service phases 1-2, the general condition of the building is to be determined by opening up building components and a refurbishment concept is to be developed on the basis of this investigation. The commissioning of the tradesmen required for this is carried out by the joint municipality of Bersenbrück in consultation with the planners. In principle, all technical installations such as cables, electrical supply lines, the heating distribution system and the drinking water system must be completely replaced. The installation of ventilation systems is to be decided during the planning process, and the gas boiler in the basement is also to be decommissioned and disposed of. The aim is to implement the entire school system using a heat pump powered by geothermal energy. There is enough space in the green area on the west side to provide sufficient heat capacity with vertical geothermal probes. The roof area is to be equipped with PV systems in order to optimize the self-consumption of the entire school system. It is planned to apply for funding from the ERDF program of the EU and the state of Lower Saxony in accordance with the directive on the granting of grants to promote climate protection and energy efficiency in companies, public bodies and cultural institutions ("Climate Protection and Energy Efficiency" directive); accordingly, the requirements of the funding providers must be observed in planning procedures. This must be observed across all service phases.Cost center II: Expansion of all-day offer - conversion and expansion of the west wingAccording to the room plan, the required space is to be made available through conversion measures in the west wing and through an expansion. The following planning specifications are to be observed:- Barrier-free accessibility of all rooms on the ground and upper floors, regardless of weather conditions, including the connection of the extension to the existing building structure. - Idealized allocation of one group room to two general classrooms. A direct connection is not absolutely necessary - The assembly hall is no longer required and can be dismantled. The heating oil tank underneath the assembly hall is to be disposed of - The janitor's office and integrated workshop will be relocated directly next to the canteen in the former table football room and is not part of the plans. - The garages that have been converted into storage rooms cannot be used and are to be demolished. These storage rooms are to be replaced and extended in accordance with the space plan. Reference is made to the transformer located directly next to the garage - Parcel 166/6 is not owned by the client and cannot be built on; work is to begin immediately after commissioning. The design is to be submitted to the client by the 3rd week of 2025 in order to be able to realize the funding application by the deadline of 01.03.2025. Construction is scheduled to start on 01.07.2025 and be completed by 31.10.2026. The total construction costs for KG 300 and 400 are estimated at around EUR 3.5 million net.

Opportunity closing date
07 August 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Samtgemeinde Bersenbrück

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