Germany - The Dammenmühle sports center is to be renovated and modernized as part of its further development.

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
30 September 2024
Opportunity publication date
02 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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The Dammenmühle sports center is to be renovated and redesigned as part of its further development. As a first step, the running track in the stadium has already been renovated.

For internal club reasons, the Tennis Club Lahr e.V. and the Hockey Club Lahr e.V. will merge. As the current clubhouse of the Hockey-Club e.V. consists of a mobile container facility and the clubhouse of the Tennis-Club e.V. is located in the middle of the tennis courts and is already getting on in years, the new joint club is to receive a new clubhouse, which will then be located in the building of the new SportKita.

In view of the growing lack of exercise and increasing obesity among children, an early commitment to exercise, sport and a conscious diet from an early age is fundamental.
The absolute necessity of creating additional childcare places, as well as the holistic movement and health-oriented focus of the planned facility, is being given high priority within the administration. This concept should also take into account children with special needs.

The basic idea of combining this arose in the course of redesigning the clubs and sports facilities with the existing exercise opportunities there, as well as the lack of daycare places. The city of Lahr would like to take up this basic idea with the SportKita Dammenmühle project.

The existing infrastructure and the changes planned for the future as part of the Dammenmühle sports development concept form the basis for a varied range of sports and exercise activities. Thanks to the central, natural location in the Dammenmühle sports center, the children can be offered a wide range of different sports and fields of activity with soccer, tennis, field hockey, athletics and more, which consolidates and promotes the basics of movement from an early age.

The construction of the new SportKita and the integration of the club rooms has the following objectives:
? To convey the joy of movement at an early age
? Motivation for lifelong sporting activity
? Early commitment to the sport (club)

The outdoor area, which is to be designed as part of this process, must reflect these basic ideas and harmonize the individual user needs with the planned architecture and the challenging site situation.

The outdoor area is divided into 4 sub-areas:
1. turning area and entrance situation
2. outdoor area for the daycare center
3. outdoor area for club use
4. western access road

Opportunity closing date
30 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Stadt Lahr

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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