Germany - The aim is to provide comprehensive structural planning and support for the new construction project, services

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
24 September 2024
Opportunity publication date
20 August 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Report opportunity


The comprehensive structural design and supervision of the new construction project, work phases 1-6, is to be commissioned in accordance with Section 49 HOAI 2013, subject to a phased commissioning in accordance with budgetary regulations. The total project volume is estimated at around ? 7.2 million gross (KG 200-700). The chargeable construction costs for the structural design are estimated at approx. 2.1 million ?
The construction task is classified in fee zone III HOAI (daycare center).
The current standards of the state capital of Hanover, including the energy standards for new buildings, are to be regarded as the basis for the planning.
The total gross floor area of the new building design for the Gulbranssonweg daycare center is approx. 1350m².

High demands are placed on daycare buildings in terms of functional, social and aesthetic qualities, as children and teachers spend the majority of their day here.
The administration should also promote resource-saving construction. This project should therefore serve as a pilot project for the use of sustainable construction methods and materials.
Options here include, for example, timber or clay construction and/or the use of sustainable insulation materials, as well as materials that guarantee a long service life and can be reused or separated by type.
The aim is to create a climate-resilient building using climate-friendly building materials so that construction and operation contribute to CO2 reduction and sequestration (LHH target: C02 neutrality by 2035).
An economical and sustainable overall solution based on good educational functionalities and the LHH energy standards is expected.

Service phases that are not commissioned by the client upon conclusion of the contract are subject to a condition precedent. The client reserves the right to limit the commissioning to partial services of individual service phases or to individual sections of the construction project. The client intends to call for further services - individually or as a whole - when continuing the planning and execution of the construction project.

When deciding on the call-off of further services, the client shall take into account that this generally requires political decisions and the approval of the HU construction \/ construction documents. There is no legal entitlement to the commissioning of further service phases.

The contractor is obliged to provide the services of the further service phases if the client assigns them to him. The contractor cannot derive any increase in its fee from the phased commissioning.

Opportunity closing date
24 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Landeshauptstadt Hannover - Fachbereich Gebäudemanagement

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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