Italy - Tender no. 349/2024 telematic negotiated procedure on sintel platform without publication OF the notice OF urgency in accordance with art.76 Paragraph 2 letter a ) and c) OF d.lgs.36/2023, open to all suppliers, for the award OF the supply quinqu...

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
06 August 2024
Opportunity publication date
02 July 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Tender no. 349/2024 telematic negotiated procedure on sintel platform without publication OF the notice OF urgency in accordance with art.76 Paragraph 2 letter a ) and c) OF d.lgs.36/2023, open to all suppliers, for the award OF the five-year supply, possibly renewable for an additional two years, OF two first-level sequencer systems for the analysis OF amplified dna fragments and for dna sequencing by the Sanger method complete with reagents, consumables, with the rental instrumentation including full risk assistance and maintenance for the u.o.c. laboratory analysis- single lot- cig no. B245190903 -cui f03901420236202100581

Opportunity closing date
06 August 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer


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