Germany - Technical building services: ventilation, air conditioning installation, sanitary equipment and drainage, drinking water installation - conversion of a commercial space for use as a bakery - TGA

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
23 September 2024
Opportunity publication date
12 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Technical building services: ventilation, air conditioning installation, sanitary equipment and drainage, drinking water installation - conversion of a commercial space for use as a bakery - TGA

Interior fit-out work:
Lot 1: Ventilation
Lot 2: Air conditioning installation
Lot 3: Sanitary equipment and drainage
Lot 4: Drinking water installation

Preparation of a rental space for use as a bakery - opening of the bakery is on 01.12.2024

I. Suitability criteria:
1. economic and financial capacity
Proof of public liability insurance

2. Professional suitability and performance

3. Legal suitability

II. self-declarations
The following self-declarations, which you will find in the tender documents, must be completed, signed and submitted with the tender:
1) VHB Bund 124 "Self-declaration of suitability"
2) VHB NRW 521 "Self-declaration of reasons for exclusion"
3) VHB NRW 522 "Self-declaration Minimum Wage Act"
4) VHB NRW 523 EU self-declaration sanctions package (Russia) - form (does not need to be signed)

III Review clause
The City of Schwelm reserves the right pursuant to Section 132 (2) No. 1 in conjunction with Section 132 (2) No. 4a GWB or pursuant to Section 132 (2) No. 1 GWB to offer the execution of the services in the order of the tender result to suitable bidders who have submitted an economically acceptable bid in the award procedure if the contractor is definitively eliminated due to termination or for any other reason.

In the event that the winner of the tender is definitively eliminated due to termination, insolvency or for any other reason, the client reserves the right to award the remaining work to the remaining bidders in the order of the tender results up to 5th place. The resulting additional costs shall be borne by the previous contractor under the aspect of substitute performance.

This shall only apply if the resulting increase in the total price remains within the limits specified in Section 132 (3) GWB.

IV. Defense clause
These Additional Terms and Conditions shall apply exclusively. The City of Schwelm shall only recognize terms and conditions of the contractor that conflict with or deviate from these General Terms and Conditions of Contract if the City of Schwelm expressly agrees to their validity in writing. These Additional Terms and Conditions shall also apply if the City of Schwelm accepts the delivery without reservation or pays for it in the knowledge that the contractor's terms and conditions conflict with or deviate from these Additional Terms and Conditions.

V. Execution period :
short term until 30.11.2024

!!! When submitting your offer, please note the enclosed checklist so that you do not forget any documents and evidence!!!

Opportunity closing date
23 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Stadt Schwelm

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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