Canada - Supply and delivery of anionic and cationic polymers

For more information and to make a bid you will need to go to the third party website.


Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
19 September 2024
Opportunity publication date
13 August 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
Your guide to exporting
Report opportunity


The Ville de Longueuil is requesting bids for :


Tender opening : September 12, 2024.

Persons and companies interested in this contract may obtain the tender documents as of August 13, 2024, by contacting the Quebec government's electronic tendering system (SEAO) at or 1 877- 336-7326. Obtaining documents is subject to this organization's fees.

Financial guarantees and other requirements may be specified in tender documents.

Receipt of electronically transmitted bids is authorized for this call for tenders.

All paper bids must be deposited and time-stamped at the Tax, Tender, Payment Counter, located at Longueuil City Hall, 4250 chemin de la Savane, level 200, Longueuil, Quebec, by

Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.

in an opaque, sealed envelope identified as per the model attached to the tender documents, entitled: "Identification for return envelope".

Our opening hours are Monday to Thursday, except public holidays, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., and on Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Electronic bids can only be submitted via the Quebec government's electronic tendering system (SEAO), at the following address:

The bid must be submitted (encrypted, transmitted, time-stamped and saved on the SEAO servers) before the date and time set for receipt of bids.

You are invited to watch the opening of submissions live, ten minutes after the submission deadline, on the YouTube channel:

Tender results are available at:

The Ville de Longueuil does not undertake to accept the best or any of the bids received, without incurring any obligation or costs of any kind towards the bidder(s).
The City may, if it is advantageous for it to do so, disregard any non-conformity of the bid if such non-conformity does not break the rule of equality between bidders and it is not required to give reasons for the acceptance or rejection of any bid.

For any additional information concerning this request for tenders, please contact by e-mail Mr. Michel Nguyen-Duy, Procurement Analyst, at the Procurement Department, at the following address
at the following address:

Given at Longueuil, August 13, 2024.

Marc-André Sévigny

Procurement Division Manager - Community Services

and Corporate Services.

Opportunity closing date
19 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Ville de Longueuil

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

This website contains links to other websites that we do not control or maintain. We are not responsible for the content of these sites. We provide these links for your convenience only, and do not necessarily endorse their content.

Before entering into a contract you need to apply for any necessary export licences, which can include applications to trade in certain goods. You should also make your own enquiries and be satisfied by the accuracy of any information supplied to you.

This opportunity has been translated from its original language. You should check if you need to apply in the original language.

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