Chile - Street sweeping, lifting OF free fairs and cleaning OF microbasuralesvirs for the community OF Lampa

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
26 September 2024
Opportunity publication date
27 August 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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The Municipality of Lampa calls for a public proposal for the bidding called "STREET SWEEPING SERVICE, STREET RAISING AND CLEANING OF MICROBASURIALS/VIRS FOR THE COMMUNITY OF LAMPA", according to administrative and technical requirements, and the regulations in force regarding Public Procurement, Law 19.886 and its regulations, Decree No. 250 of the Ministry of Finance and applicable regulations.
The purpose of the Street Sweeping Service, Street Fair Cleaning and Cleaning of Micro-dumps and VIRS for the Municipality of Lampa is to clean and sweep streets, open fairs and clean micro-dumps and irregular solid waste dumps (VIRS) in the different sectors of the Municipality of Lampa, including their transfer to the transfer station or the landfill designated by the municipality for the final disposal of the waste.
Street sweeping seeks to keep the public roads of the urban radius of the commune clean, through manual sweeping, considering the cleaning of streets, roadways, sidewalks, curbs, sidewalks, bus stops and public dumpsters of all types of waste such as garbage, stones, leaves, papers, bottles, weeds and other types of waste located between the building lines of the streets to the gutters, it should also include the cleaning of rainwater drains.
The service will be organized in five zones: Lampa Centro, Larapinta, Batuco, Valle Grande and Estación Colina. Notwithstanding the above, operations may be organized with available personnel throughout the entire territory of the municipality of Lampa.
The removal of waste generated by the sale of organic and inorganic products from the commercial stalls, immediately after the fairs are held. The service of lifting of free fairs is an activity of cleaning of public roads, once the sale of food products of animal, vegetable or other items or species that provide services on a regular basis, according to the schedule established in the Municipal Ordinance of Free Fairs (Title 2, dated January 7, 2004).
The company awarded the contract must attend all the fairs authorized and duly registered to operate in the municipality of Lampa. It shall consider the cleaning of the area between the closing lines of each street, plus 100 meters at the beginning and 100 meters at the end of each fair, as well as 40 meters to each side in those roads that cross it, this point will be reviewed in conjunction with the awarded company at the beginning of the contract.
The cleaning of micro dumps and VIRS consists of the removal of all types of garbage and bulky items from the points identified by the Dirección de Aseo y Ornato. The machinery and personnel corresponding to this item will be an integral part of the municipal sanitation team, with the purpose of eradicating these points.

Opportunity closing date
26 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

I MUNICIPALIDAD DE LAMPA, Secretaria de Planificación

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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