Germany - standard. In the run-up to the tender, the client commissioned a m

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
23 September 2024
Opportunity publication date
25 August 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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standard. The client commissioned a feasibility study in advance of the tender. This is included in the tender documents. With regard to the roof shape of the extension and the clearance areas, the client's preliminary building permit must be observed. This is also included in the tender documents. The project is located in the center of the local community of Ochtendung at Raiffeisenplatz 1, 56299 Ochtendung. The St. Martin elementary school borders the site to the north and the administrative building of the local community is located to the east. The external traffic areas of the fire department are to be redesigned in such a way that people are not endangered and operations are not hindered. The costs for the renovation are expected to be as follows, taking into account the current gross price index: KG 300 - building construction 212,156.72 EURKG 400 - technical building equipment 33,850.57 EURThe expected costs for the extension are as follows: KG 200 - preparatory measures 13.856.57 EURKG 300 - Building construction 582,703.21 EURKG 400 - Technical building equipment 260,435.63 EURKG 500 - Outdoor facilities and open spaces 96,454.21 EURKG 600 - Furnishings and works of art 38,953.25 EURThe respective cost estimate for the refurbishment and extension from 2023 is included in the tender documents. The services are tendered in:- Lot 1: Project planning for buildings and outdoor facilities in work phases 1-9 in accordance with §§ 34, 39 HOAI, - Lot 2: HVAC technical equipment in work phases 1-9 in accordance with § 55 HOAI, - Lot 3: Electrical technical equipment in work phases 1-9 in accordance with § 55 HOAI and- Lot 4: Structural engineering in work phases 1-6 in accordance with § 51 HOAI. Work phases 1-4 and then work phases 5-9 are to be commissioned first, followed by work phases 5-6 in lot 4, with construction work to begin in 2025 (work phase 8). With regard to the service description, the clients are guided by the HOAI 2021. Further details are regulated in the respective contract. The project is supported by public funds.

Opportunity closing date
23 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Verbandsgemeinde Maifeld

Bid for tender

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