United States - Request for proposal for land exchange and water/wastewater infrastructure divestiture naval station Newport newport, ri

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
12 March 2025
Opportunity publication date
29 January 2025
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Report opportunity


The Department of the Navy (“DON” or “Government”) is issuing this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) to enter into exclusive negotiations with a selected offeror, ultimately expected to result in a land exchange agreement to convey Naval Station Newport’s (“NS Newport”) water and wastewater Infrastructure (“Infrastructure”), located in Newport, RI, to a new owner/operator, in exchange for consideration as described herein. The Navy intends to use 10 U.S.C. §2869(a)(3) for the divestment of the Infrastructure at NS Newport.
Interested parties must review this RFP for specific requirements and expectations and provide written and complete responses to be considered. A potential offeror will need to demonstrate past performance history with operation and maintenance of water and wastewater Infrastructure. Additionally, the offeror must show experience and the ability to commit to long-term ownership and operation, and a continuation of water and wastewater services to all existing and future tenants at NS Newport. 
The DON expects the selected offeror to acquire the Infrastructure via a Bill of Sale along with a perpetual easement covering approximately 464 acres of property surrounding the Infrastructure.
Pursuant to this RFP the Government intends to select one offeror that, in the Government’s opinion, is best able to meet the Government’s readiness requirements and represents the proposal “Most Advantageous” to the Government (the “Selected Offeror”). The intent is that the Government and the Selected Offeror would enter into an exclusivity agreement, and upon agreement to terms, an Exchange Agreement to guide the parties to closing.  At closing, the parties would execute a real estate out grant in the form of an Easement, a Bill of Sale for ownership of the utility Infrastructure, and a Utility Service Contract (“USC”) (collectively, the “Closing Agreements”) to guide the terms of services the Selected Offeror will provide to NS Newport.
All questions pertaining to this RFP shall be addressed in writing to the Real Estate Contracting Officer (RECO) at the address above and should be marked:
“Attn: Chris Nelson (Code: RE3-CN).”
All questions shall be simultaneously submitted by electronic mail to: christopher.r.nelson100.civ@us.navy.mil and heather.m.stadler2.civ@us.navy.mil
Questions received after 27 January may not receive a response.
*Please see attachment titled "N40085-25-RP-00060 RFP Question 1" for additional information about Potential Offerors who hold an active CAC
**Please see attached titled "Industry Day Agenda_NS Newport 07JAN25_FINAL" for additional information about timeline of Industry Day.
***Please see attached titled "NAVSTA Newport Industry Day Brief_FINAL.V2" for additional information about Industry Day.
****Please see attached titled "NS Newport Industry Day Questions_FINAL" for answers to questions during Industry Day.
*****Please see attached titled "D-10381 RFP Mod 1" for additional information about submission requirements and deadline change.

Opportunity closing date
12 March 2025
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer


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