Germany - Renovation of Waldschule sports facilities - project management

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
01 October 2024
Opportunity publication date
02 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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The municipality of Schwanewede is a unified municipality and consists of 12 localities and a district municipality in the district of Osterholz with around 21,000 inhabitants and borders the Weser in the west, the town of Osterholz-Scharmbeck in the east and the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen in the south.
For the municipality of Schwanewede, all people are at the center of sustainable community development. An integrative and inclusive concept places great value on cohesion within the community. Development in all areas is geared towards the needs of all generations.
The Schwanewede municipal council has decided to renovate the sports facilities at the KGS-Waldschule in Schwanewede. Both the existing sports hall and the sports center, including the indoor swimming pool, are of great importance within the community, not only for the school itself, but also for the local clubs and the DLRG. The preservation of a natural and rural living environment with a high recreational value is just as important as local amenities, a modern infrastructure, the expansion of digitalization and sustainable mobility. In the future, energy neutrality is to be achieved in the municipality of Schwanewede. This will promote climate and environmental protection and strive for the greatest possible conservation of resources. Sustainability should also take social aspects into account.
The energy consumption of the sports facilities here is very high and is to be significantly reduced through renovation measures. The aim of the structural measures to be implemented is to upgrade the existing buildings to the Efficiency House 70 standard, which is expected to result in energy savings of at least 30%.
Overall, the building ensemble is to be upgraded for the future. The focus is on sustainable building materials, renewable energies and the use of synergy effects (e.g. use of waste heat, continued use of the indoor pool water). Individual measures include thermally renewing the building envelope by insulating the façade and roof and replacing the windows. In order to compensate for gas consumption, the existing combined heat and power plant is to be replaced by alternative energy generation and supported by solar thermal energy. Furthermore, a PV system is to be installed on the roof surfaces to reduce electricity requirements.
In close cooperation with the climate protection manager of the municipality of Schwanewede and the commissioned energy efficiency expert, criteria will be developed and implemented in accordance with the project notification for the federal funding project 'Sport, Youth and Culture 2022 (SJK)'. The building project is to be planned and implemented using ecological, climate-friendly and sustainable construction methods. Roof areas that are not required for the use of the PV system will be made available for green roofing.
The task of the sought-after project control and management team is to provide a basis for the council's further decision on the energy concept and initial architectural planning, starting with service phases 1 and 2 as part of an interdisciplinary development process.
The following description of the scope of services applies to the scope of services commissioned in each case.

Opportunity closing date
01 October 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Gemeinde Schwanewede c/o Landkreis Osterholz - Zentrale Vergabestelle -

Bid for tender

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