Ireland - Provision of Metocean Surveys and Geotechnical Desktop Study to Tonn Nua and Lí Ban within the South Coast DMAP

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
08 October 2024
Opportunity publication date
12 September 2024
Value of contract
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The Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) invites interested parties to submit responses to this request for tender for the provision of MetOcean Surveys relating to Tonn Nua and Lí Ban, and Geotechnical desktop study relating to Tonn Nua and Lí Ban. For the avoidance of doubt, this would include survey data and a geotechnical desktop study within the Tonn Nua site in the South Coast ORE DMAP. The Tonn Nua site (A) and Lí Ban site (B) are situated off the coast of County Waterford and encompasses a total marine area of 312.6 km2 and 486 km2 respectively. As part of a new plan-led regime, the offshore wind Phase Two policy approved by Government in March 2023 requires that all future offshore renewable energy developments in Ireland will take place within Designated Maritime Area Plans (DMAPs), which will be established according to provisions in the Maritime Area Planning Act, 2021. Specifically, all future developments will take place at specific sites within DMAPs that have been identified for this purpose by Government. Government and the Oireachtas has agreed that the first DMAP for Offshore Renewable Energy will be located off the South Coast, and that the first offshore wind project with a capacity of approximately 900MW will take place in Tonn Nua, an will aim for deployment by 2030. The updated draft South Coast DMAP identifying four maritime areas off the south coast was published on the 3 May 2024, it was then subject to a six-week statutory public consultation period closing on 14 June 2024. The Draft South Coast DMAP has undergone a further period of additional public consultation from 1 August – 30 August 2024. The boundaries of the south coast DMAP maritime areas may be subject to change as a result of the public consultation. Commencing with the South Coast DMAP Proposal, the State will undertake comprehensive surveying activities primarily through our partners in the Marine Institute (MI) and Geological Survey Ireland (GSI). This will take place through a comprehensive programme of survey activity within the geographical area of each DMAP proposed and/or marine areas identified for offshore wind development within the future DMAPs, and/or marine areas identified for offshore wind development within the final DMAPs approved by the Oireachtas. For the avoidance of doubt, this surveying will be without prejudice to the South Coast DMAP establishment process, which will be informed by comprehensive public engagement, including targeted engagement with key stakeholders, as well as environmental assessments. Geophysical surveys of the Tonn Nua site are currently being carried out by the MI. The final steps in the South Coast DMAP establishment process will require approval of the draft DMAP by the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, which if achieved will be followed by its being laid before both houses of the Oireachtas. The DMAP is only established upon receiving Oireachtas approval.

Opportunity closing date
08 October 2024
Value of contract

About the buyer

Department of the Environment Climate and Communications

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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