Canada - Professional services in mechanical and electrical engineering - Asset maintenance work at 3 schools: Moussaillons - N.D.St-Joseph - Piché-Dufrost

For more information and to make a bid you will need to go to the third party website.


Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
30 September 2024
Opportunity publication date
29 August 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Report opportunity



Mandate for professional services - Mechanical and electrical engineering

24-027-SPME-92111 | 92215 | 92222

Asset maintenance work at École primaire des Moussaillons in Saint-Philippe, École Notre-Dame Saint-Joseph (pavillon Saint-Joseph) in La Prairie and École primaire Piché-Dufrost in Saint-Constant (SPME)


Center de services scolaires des Grandes-Seigneuries

50 Taschereau Blvd. La Prairie, Quebec, J5R 4V3

Telephone: 514 380-8899


The Centre de services scolaire des Grandes-Seigneuries invites professional firms in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering to submit a proposal for a contract based solely on quality.

Specifications and other contract documents may be obtained from SÉAO either via the website, or by calling 514 856-6600 for the Montreal region, or 1-866-669-7326 for other regions. Printing and delivery will be invoiced by SÉAO, and the cost of acquiring plans and specifications is non-refundable.

The choice of the successful contractor will be made following the recommendations of a selection committee, based on the evaluation criteria described in the contract documents.


The Centre de services scolaires des Grandes-Seigneuries (CSSDGS) wishes to mandate a firm offering professional services in mechanical and electrical building engineering to produce a building condition report and/or plan asset maintenance work at École primaire des Moussaillons, École primaire Notre-Dame-Saint-Joseph - Pavillon Saint-Joseph and École primaire Piché-Dufrost.

For École des Moussaillons, a building condition report was completed in 2023 by architectural professionals only. The various interventions are grouped together in the present call for tenders, with the aim of carrying out the work in phases. The work currently being evaluated includes various interventions affecting the building's exterior envelope, roofing, interior finishes, and mechanical and electrical components. The exact scope and scale of the work will need to be confirmed by a complementary building condition report. The various interventions are grouped within this call for tenders in order to proceed with the work in phases.

For École Notre-Dame-Saint-Joseph - Pavillon Saint-Joseph, no building condition report has recently been completed. The exact scope and scale of the work will therefore have to be confirmed by a full building condition report. The project currently calls for a package of work to rehabilitate the building envelope and replace the mechanical and electrical systems. The project also includes site rehabilitation work (drainage, pavement replacement, etc.) The various interventions are grouped together in this call for tenders with a view to phasing the work.

For the Piché-Dufrost school, no building condition report has been carried out recently. The exact scope and scale of the work will therefore have to be confirmed by a full building condition report. At present, the project calls for repairs to the roof, building envelope and interior finishes. In addition, the project includes asbestos removal, replacement of the boiler and removal of the existing oil tank, and replacement of the electrical inlet. Site rehabilitation work is also planned (drainage, pavement replacement, etc.). The various interventions are grouped together in the present call for tenders with a view to phasing the work.

The selection process will lead to the choice of a multidisciplinary team in architecture, mechanical/electrical engineering and civil/structural engineering, with whom the CSSDGS will enter into a contract to carry out the present mandate.

In summary, the SERVICE PROVIDER must first produce a building condition report (BCR), followed by an asset maintenance master plan (AMMP) to confirm the scope of work in relation to the BCR and the program established by the CSSDGS, and plan the sequence of the various phases of work to be scheduled. It then draws up plans and specifications, and carries out services during construction, applying best practices in project planning and execution.

Depending on the PDMA's planning, it is possible that the SERVICE PROVIDER will carry out the plans and specifications and perform the services during construction for only a portion of the planned work, since the totality of the work may be spread over a period longer than the duration of this contract. The scope and value of the work that may be carried out during the term established in the SERVICE PROVIDER'S contract will be confirmed by the CSSDGS based on the phasing established in the PDMA.


Services are required from the issuance of the purchase order, expected around November 2024, until final acceptance of the works covered by this contract by the CSSDGS.


The Contract expires after a period of FIVE (5) year(s) from the date of its entry into force.


The Contract does not include a renewal option.


No bid security is required for this call for tenders.


No performance bonds are required for this invitation to tender.


By submitting its bid during the COVID-19 period, the TENDER is aware of the government measures and economic context in effect on the day of submission. It will therefore not be possible for it to invoke these measures as a case of force majeure in order to avoid its obligations.

It is possible, however, that additional government measures or new unforeseeable events may occur after the contract has been awarded, and thus affect completion times.

In such a case, the PUBLIC BODY and the SERVICE PROVIDER will negotiate in good faith.


Each bid (the original, 3 copies and a USB key containing an unlocked electronic copy of the original paper copy of the Bid Form and appendices duly completed, including the evaluation questionnaire) must be delivered to the School Service Centre reception desk located at 1325 rue Industrielle, La Prairie Québec J5R 2E4, before 10:30 a.m., local time, on September 30, 2024.

Opening hours at 1325 rue Industrielle in La Prairie: 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on weekdays.


Bids shall be publicly opened, in the presence of a witness, at the place indicated above, immediately after the time and date fixed for the receipt of Bids. BIDDERS may physically attend the Bid opening.

The PUBLIC ORGANIZATION also broadcasts the Bid opening live on the web. Instructions for attending this broadcast are provided below:

1- Have access to the Microsoft Teams application;

2- Before bid opening time, copy and paste the following link into your browser and follow the instructions:


Tenderers who wish to receive information or clarification regarding the call for tenders must do so in writing by contacting the following person, specifying the number and title of the call for tenders:

Contact person :

Boubacar Ndiaye

E-mail address:

Opportunity closing date
30 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Centre de services scolaire des Grandes Seigneuries

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

This website contains links to other websites that we do not control or maintain. We are not responsible for the content of these sites. We provide these links for your convenience only, and do not necessarily endorse their content.

Before entering into a contract you need to apply for any necessary export licences, which can include applications to trade in certain goods. You should also make your own enquiries and be satisfied by the accuracy of any information supplied to you.

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