United States - Predictions for real-time optimization OF microbiomes OF built environments (pro-microbe) exploration topic

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
04 October 2024
Opportunity publication date
29 July 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Report opportunity


ARPA-H is launching an Exploration Topic (ET) aimed at expanding the Resilient System Office’s (RSO) funding approach associated with the interest areas included within Appendix A to the Master Announcement Instructions, ARPA-H-MAI-24-01. Exploration Topics will be announced via Module Announcements issued under the Master Announcement Instructions (MAI), ARPA-H-MAI-24-01. Exploration Topics are short-duration, fast-paced efforts with smaller, targeted awards. Each Exploration Topic will pursue topics that strategically align with the RSO mission and provide foundational proofs-of-concept for additional future research to be built upon.
The mission of the Advanced Research Projects Agency for-Health (ARPA-H) is to accelerate better health outcomes for everyone by advancing innovative research that addresses society's most challenging health problems. Awardees will develop groundbreaking new ways to tackle health-related challenges through high potential, high-impact biomedical and health research. ARPA-H is seeking proposals that will integrate innovative microbial sampling tools with advanced analytical methods to develop a microbiome of the built environment (MoBE) health index that scores the health impact of an indoor microbiome. The Predictions for Real-time Optimization of MICRObiomes of Built Environments (PRO-MICROBE) Exploration Topic endeavors to develop novel models using non-biological data that can predict MoBE health indices of specific indoor environments. By creating new ways to assess and predict the impact of indoor microbial communities on occupant health outcomes, PRO-MICROBE seeks to transform how building design and engineering can support microbial communities important for optimal human health while resisting the colonization of pathogenic microorganisms.
All questions regarding PRO-MICROBE must be sent to https://solutions.arpa-h.gov/Ask-A-Question.
Stage 1, Volume 1 proposals should be submitted ONLY to https://solutions.arpa-h.gov/, and the due date is no later than October 4, 2024.
Please see the attached Final module announcement for full program along with Attachment 1, OT Bundle which contains templates and proposal preparation instructions. Additionally, ARPA-H-MAI-24-01 Master Announcement Instructions (MAI) Amendment 1 has been provided for ease.

Opportunity closing date
04 October 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer


Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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