Germany - Preamble The Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH (Hereon) is a non-profit research organization.

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
25 February 2025
Opportunity publication date
26 January 2025
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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The Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH (Hereon) is a non-profit research institution and one of the 18 member institutions of the Hermann von Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren e. V. 90% of Hereon's expenses are financed by the Federal Government (BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research) and 10% by the four consortium states (Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Lower Saxony and Brandenburg).

The statutory task of the association is to conduct research and development in a multidisciplinary network, particularly in the fields of materials research, coastal, climate and environmental research and regenerative medicine.

Technical description:

The operation of the "Coriolis" is scheduled to begin on 01.07.2025. The term of the resulting contract is four years. The contract ends without notice on 30.06.2029 at the latest. The notice period is three months to the end of the month. Notice of termination may be given for the first time on 30.06.2026. Termination of this contract without notice for good cause remains unaffected by this.

The range of management tasks covers the following areas:

1. inspection
2. procurement
3. billing

to item 1. inspection:

- Supervision of the ship from a maritime and economic point of view, coordination of measures in the event of ship accidents.
- Support in the design and implementation of measures to modernize on-board scientific equipment systems and ship facilities.
- Arranging class surveys and SuK surveys and obtaining or renewing the necessary safety certificates.
- Planning, arranging and monitoring maintenance, servicing and repairs to the equipment of the seagoing and permanently installed scientific facilities for the purpose of constant readiness and seaworthiness.

to item 2. procurement concept:

- Cost-effective execution of the maintenance/repair and class work before awarding the contract to a 3rd party, at least three comparative offers should be available; alternatively, a technical justification as to why contracts were awarded without comparative offers if the contract value exceeds EUR 1,000.00.

Procurement of:
- Nautical equipment,
- Radio and radio navigation equipment,
- safety equipment,
- harbor berths (excluding the fixed berth)
- agencies and insurance.

- The procurement of fuels\/oils and shipyard services are awarded by Hereon - after consultation as part of the inspection services.

- in consideration of specifications: Certificates, regular inspections by the classification societies.

to item 3 Billing:

- Quarterly invoicing of operating costs (costs of the shipping company, maintenance and repair costs, procurement costs).
- Invoicing is based on your actual expenditure on materials and working time.
- A bank guarantee is mandatory for quarterly advance payments.
- For quarterly invoices ("collective invoice"), a handling fee of ___% is due.

Based on this range of tasks, the following must be specified
- Shipping costs (including travel expenses)

- All of the aforementioned work\/measures are to be carried out in close coordination with the head of the "Logistics and Organization" department of the Inst. f. Küstenforschung and the captain. Coastal Research and the captain. Regular meetings on board Coriolis are therefore an important part of the ship management.

We expect experience and competence in ship management. Many years of experience in the management, maintenance and modernization of small research vessels used in coastal areas and on inland waterways is desirable.

Opportunity closing date
25 February 2025
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH

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