Canada - Plumber service on request for Inuulitsivik Health Centre sites

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
03 October 2024
Opportunity publication date
09 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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To be eligible to bid, the bidder must comply with the following conditions:

- Have a minimum of 3 years' experience in the plumbing field and in the types of work described in 1.3.1. (Attach a letter or document with your bid demonstrating your experience and expertise as well as the fields involved);

- Have personnel with a minimum of 3 years' experience in the field, holding valid competency cards issued by the relevant provincial authorities (CVs and competency cards must be submitted with your bid);

- Must hold valid licenses issued by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec in the :

- 1.8 Installation of petroleum equipment

- 15.1 Forced-air heating systems

- 15.3 Oil burner systems

- 15.4 Hydronic heating systems

- 15.5 Plumbing

Failure to comply with any of these requirements will result in rejection of the bid, if applicable.


1.1.1 Scope of work

Potential types of work that may be requested:

Ø Residential plumbing/heating

Ø Commercial/Institutional plumbing-heating

Essentially and without limitation, the work will involve sanitary plumbing, drinking water plumbing, piping and hot water and glycol heating systems, oil-fired heating systems and water heaters, oil-fired burner systems and related equipment including forced-air furnaces, dual-energy heating systems (oil-fired-electric).

1.1.2 Frequencies

If defective parts are found during checks, inform the CSI representative and replace them immediately, if available. And if any anomalies or unusual noises are found, inform the CSI representative and take corrective action without delay.

1.1.3 Maintenance log (register)

The successful bidder shall inform the designated CSI representative of all required repairs or hazardous conditions which are under the responsibility of CSI in the areas relating to the work included in the specifications given in the estimate and in the codes and regulations in force.

In all cases, the status of repairs to be made must be reported to the designated CSI representative at the beginning and end of a normal work day.

In all cases where water infiltration or other anomalies attributable to the building are detected during a maintenance visit, the contractor's personnel must notify their supervisor, who must then notify the designated CSI representative immediately and make a note of it in the maintenance log.

1.1.4 Availability and response times

The contractor must be able to respond to the needs of the ISC throughout the year and as stipulated in these specifications.

In the performance of this contract, the successful bidder shall comply with the response times and attendance times requested for situations requiring normal planning and for situations involving emergencies.

The successful tenderer must respond within the following deadlines:

Deadlines following a request

Regular situation - planned

Emergency situation

Deadlines for confirmation of receipt of CSI request

24 heures

4 hours

Deadlines for attendance at CSI (Nunavik)

Within 5 working days

24-48 hours

1.1.5 Declaration of work

When required by law, the successful bidder must declare all maintenance, alteration and repair work to the Régie du Bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) or any other competent authority, within the time limits prescribed by the latter.

1.1.6 Maintenance manual

Obtain from the manufacturer and provide to its maintenance personnel the most recent update of the manual describing the manufacturer's maintenance procedures and the maintenance of the equipment, as well as all equipment-specific technical bulletins issued by the manufacturer.

1.1.7 Plumbing and control plans and diagrams

After the maintenance contract comes into force, CSI will provide the successful bidder with a copy of the available plans and diagrams it has on hand which are the subject of this contract.

In principle, the plans for each piece of equipment will be available in the mechanical rooms. Should it be necessary to make certain changes in the wiring, controls or any other aspect of the equipment design, the successful bidder is required to obtain permission from CSI prior to execution, and to make the consequent changes and corrections to the plans and diagrams.

The successful bidder must keep a complete set of the electrical diagrams supplied by CSI and keep them up to date, as well as the original CSI copies as modifications are made to the equipment. A complete set of electrical diagrams must be kept and adequately protected for reference at all times, on the easels provided for this purpose in the machine rooms.

Upon expiration of the contract, the successful bidder shall deliver copies of revised plans and diagrams to the designated CSI representative.

1.1.8 Documentation

The successful bidder must provide all the complete documentation that normally accompanies the products it supplies, such as :

- Service manual;

- Parts manual;

- Any other documentation.

This documentation must be in French and English.


1.1.1 Contract duration

The performance-on-demand contract is for a firm term of 3 years, with the possibility of 2 option years of one year each.

1.1.2 Contract start

Requests for services will begin in late October and/or early November 2024.

1.1.3 Period of performance

Work is carried out on request at any time during a 52-week year. The CSI contacts the plumbing contractor, outlines the work to be done and asks him to come to the North to assign the work, according to the agreed dates.

Deliverables must be completed on time, or by agreement with the client.

Work will generally have a minimum duration of 60 hours per week and a maximum potential of 70 hours per week. However, the length of the contractor's stay can vary, and is agreed according to the needs indicated by the CSI. For example, in the case of an emergency situation requiring the intervention of a contractor, the duration of the stay could be less than the minimum 60 hours mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph.

Regular hours means Monday to Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., excluding construction industry holidays.

Work schedule means day, evening, weekend, night, holiday or not, as required.

1.1.4 Authorized representation

The successful bidder shall, upon award of the contract, designate a responsible representative or representatives who may be contacted at any time during normal business hours during the performance of this contract.

Any communication from the person in charge of the service concerned shall be made with this representative or representatives.

The method of communication between the CSI and the successful bidder will be specified at the start-up meeting (see following clause).

1.1.5 Start-up meeting

Following the award of the contract, the CSI representative will invite the representative of the successful bidder to attend a contract start-up meeting, in order to highlight specific aspects to be given particular attention, to answer any questions and to discuss any other relevant subject.


1.2.1 Failure to perform and/or penalties

Any costs incurred by CSI and/or penalties which are the consequence of the successful tenderer's failure to perform any of the clauses of this contract, shall be paid or reimbursed by the successful tenderer, out of the payments due to it, after report by the manager of the department concerned, a copy of which shall be forwarded to the successful tenderer.

1.2.2 Service call

A regular service call refers to any situation not requiring immediate intervention in sanitary plumbing, drinking water plumbing, piping and hot water and glycol heating systems, oil-fired heating systems and water heaters, oil-fired burner systems and related equipment including forced-air furnaces, dual-energy heating systems (oil-electricity). See Scope of work in 1.3.1.

1.2.3 Intervention

An intervention is a need that can be planned in advance, or sometimes an emergency that will require a quick trip (in the next few days) by the plumbing-heating contractor.

1.2.4 Annual hours

The number of potential hours per year has been estimated at around 750 hours (for guidance only and may vary from year to year).

1.2.5 Delivery times

The successful bidder shall have completed delivery of a job and/or related parts in accordance with the dates and times (schedule) agreed with CSI for said job during the validity of the on-demand contract.

1.2.6 Air and other transportation

Transportation is by air only, provided by the CSI (from Montréal-Trudeau airport to Puvirnituq). As well as from Puvirnituq to the other villages served by the CSI.

Ground transportation in the northern villages is provided by CSI. Flight delays and cancellations
If the delay is caused by the Awardee's employee, the Awardee will assume the cost of the airfare, as it is the Awardee's employee's responsibility to arrive at the airport in sufficient time to ensure that he/she is able to be on the aircraft for take-off.

If the delay is caused by an external factor (weather, mechanical breakdown or other), the contractor's employee will be compensated up to a maximum of 8 hours at the hourly rate submitted, if applicable.

If the flight is postponed to another day, the successful tenderer's employee will be compensated for travel time to return to his or her main place of work, if the latter is within 16 km of the airport and he or she cannot claim transportation costs as described in the Directive (Directive concernant les frais de déplacement des personnes engagées à honoraires par des organismes publics - Loi sur les organismes publics:

When the main place of work is more than 16 km away, the employee will receive the hotel accommodation allowance (see Directive).

In the event of a flight cancellation for an employee already in the North, the latter may, with the approval of the Site, continue to work and receive the subsistence allowance until another flight is available. Should the SERVICE PROVIDER refuse to continue his assignment, no indemnity may be billed to the Site.

1.2.7 Accommodation in the North

During work at CSI's Nordic sites, the contractor will be accommodated during his stay. Accommodation will be subject to availability, i.e. either in a construction camp or, if not available, in a hotel;

1.2.8 Food - Meals

Food will not be provided by CSI and must therefore be included in the bidder's hourly rate. (No other invoice will be accepted separately for food or meals). Possibility of eating in the hospital cafeteria during work in Puvirnituq in the hospital or its annexes (at your expense).

1.2.9 Parking facilities

Only parking for one day or less and only at the Montréal-Trudeau airport may be claimed (proof of parking required).

1.2.10 All other expenses

Please refer to the Directive (Directive concernant les frais de déplacement des personnes engagées à honoraires par des organismes publics - Loi sur les organismes publics: for applicable fees.

No expenses other than those listed in the price list (Appendix 2.00) may be claimed in any case.

1.2.11 Contract personnel (contractor's employees)

The contractor's workforce must hold valid competency cards issued by the appropriate provincial authorities and possess the experience and knowledge required to work on the systems and equipment described in 1.3.1. Workers must be able to work safely, promptly and efficiently, in a manner that complies with good engineering practice.

The successful bidder must provide experienced resources with a minimum of 3 years' experience. Experience and knowledge of northern regions are an asset.

The CSI representative may require the replacement of an employee who is not providing the required services.

Such replacement shall not have the effect of modifying the contract or releasing the successful bidder from its obligations under this contract.

The successful bidder must then address the situation affecting his personnel following written notice from CSI. All personnel whose work is unsatisfactory or is judged by the CSI to be negligent, incompetent, insolent or of reprehensible conduct, will be expelled from their work at the sole discretion of the CSI and upon notice from the CSI to the successful bidder's representative. CSI reserves the right to refuse personnel with whom it is dissatisfied.

Any employee found to have committed one or more of the misconducts or infractions mentioned above and below will be automatically returned to the South at the successful bidder's expense (costs will be credited to the invoice, airfare costs between $4,000 and $6,000).

The same applies to personnel who participate directly or indirectly in an attempt to commit a penal or criminal offence.

Staff must comply with all regulations or directives in force in the buildings, in particular those relating to the safety of persons or the protection of property, as well as any loss or damage resulting from any cause whatsoever.

Assigned resources must not, under any circumstances, interfere with the occupants of the premises or CSI employees. If, on the other hand, resources are inconvenienced by occupants or CSI employees, the designated CSI representative must be notified without delay.

The Contractor must be able to supply the skilled labour required at all times under this contract. In this sense, he must have the appropriate personnel to be able to meet the CSI's needs, and if, for example, the worker usually deployed is not available, he must be able to deploy another equally competent worker within the time frame specified in the contract.

1.2.12 Criminal record

The successful bidder must assign resources with no criminal record to the contract and must provide proof of this (docket or other) before sending them to Nunavik.

Opportunity closing date
03 October 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Centre de Santé Inuulitsivik.

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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