France - Paris Climate Plan rehabilitation work on the 82-unit Piat residence for elderly people in an empty building (20th district)
For more information and to make a bid you will need to go to the third party website.
Provided by- Opportunity closing date
- 23 February 2024
- Opportunity publication date
- 29 December 2023
- Value of contract
- to be confirmed
- Your guide to exporting
SECTION I: CONTRACTING AUTHORITY I.1) Name and address: Habitation Confortable, attention Valeau Carl, 237 bis rue de Belleville, F - 75019 Paris, Tél : +33 171390976, courriel : [email protected] Code NUTS : FR101 Code d'identification national : 57219645900042 Adresse(s) internet : Adresse principale : Adresse du profil d'acheteur : I.1) Name and address: Le Centre d'Action Sociale de la Ville de Paris : Direction des Solidarités (Dsol), 5, Boulevard Diderot, F - 75012 Paris, e-mail: [email protected] Code NUTS : FR101 Internet address(es): Main address: Address of buyer profile: I.2) Joint procedure: The contract is subject to a joint procedure. I.3) Communication: The contract documents are available free of charge in unrestricted and complete direct access, at the following address: Address from which additional information may be obtained: L'Habitation Confortable : Utiliser le module "Correspondance" du profil acheteur, 237 bis, rue de Belleville, F - 75019 Paris, courriel : [email protected] , adresse internet : , adresse du profil d'acheteur : , code NUTS : FR101 Tenders or requests to participate must be sent: electronically via: , I.4) Type of contracting authority : Regional or local agency/office : Agence/office régional(e) ou local(e) I.5) Principal activity: Housing and community facilities SECTION II: SUBJECT II.1) Scope of the contract II.1.1) Title: Renovation work under the Paris Climate Plan on the Piat residence, comprising 82 apartments for elderly people in an empty building Reference number: 2023/238 II.1.2) Main CPV code: 45262700 II.1.3) Type of contract: Works. II.1.4) Brief description: The purpose of this consultation is to carry out the Plan Climat Ville de Paris rehabilitation work on the 82-unit Piat residence for elderly people in an empty environment. The services are provided in a single lot. The breakdown into lots given in the tender documents corresponds to a description of the various trades, and in no way represents an allotment. The bid submitted by the candidate must therefore cover all the services covered by the contract. The present consultation is launched within the framework of a grouping of orders concluded between : - L'Habitation Confortable (in charge of technical lots 1 to 5), coordinator of the consortium. - Le Centre d'Action Sociale de la Ville de Paris (in charge of technical lot n°6) II.1.5) Estimated total value II.1.6) Information on lots : This contract is divided into lots : no. II.2) Description II.2.1) Title II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s): 45262700 II.2.3) Place of performance: NUTS code: FR101 Main place of performance: 33, rue Piat 75020 - Paris II.2.4) Description of services: The purpose of this consultation is to carry out the City of Paris Climate Plan rehabilitation work on the 82-unit Piat residence for elderly people in an empty environment. The services are provided in a single lot. The breakdown into lots given in the tender documents corresponds to a description of the various trades, and in no way represents an allotment. The bid submitted by the candidate must therefore cover all the services covered by the contract. The present consultation is launched within the framework of a grouping of orders concluded between : - L'Habitation Confortable (in charge of technical lots 1 to 5), coordinator of the consortium. - Le Centre d'Action Sociale de la Ville de Paris (in charge of technical lot n°6) II.2.5) Award criteria: Quality criterion(s): - Technical value of the offer / Weighting: 60 Price - Weighting: 40 II.2.6) Estimated value II.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system: Duration in months: 18 This contract may be renewed: no. II.2.9) Information on limits concerning the number of candidates invited to participate II.2.10) Variants : Variants will be considered: no. II.2.11) Information on options : Options : yes. Description of options: Pursuant to Article R 2122-7 of the French Public Order Code, L'Habitation Confortable reserves the right to use a negotiated contract for similar services II.2.12) Information on electronic catalogs II.2.13) Information on European Union funds: The contract is part of a project/program financed by European Union funds: no. II.2.14) Additional information SECTION III: LEGAL, ECONOMIC, FINANCIAL AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION III.1) Conditions for participation III.1.1) Qualification to carry out the professional activity, including requirements relating to entry in the trade or professional register: List and brief description of conditions: - The document entitled "Document Unique de Marché Européen" (Single European Market Document): To simplify procedures, candidates are invited to complete this document online using the Dume service available on our buyer profile, the instructions for use of which are given in Appendix 3 of the consultation regulations, or failing this: the adapted framework shown in Appendix 4 of the consultation regulations included in the Consultation File, the standard form drawn up by the European Commission. - in the case of subcontractors included in the file (subcontracted services equal to or greater than 600 euros inc. VAT): see article 2.3 of the consultation rules; - the duly completed "Candidate's contact details" form appended to the present document. - In the case of an application submitted as part of a temporary grouping of companies, the authorizations of the representative to represent his co-contractors in the context of this competitive bidding procedure (one authorization per co-contractor) III.1.2) Economic and financial capacity: List and brief description of selection criteria: 1. overall sales figures for the last three available financial years, 2. amount covered by professional risk insurance taken out by the applicant Minimum specific level(s) required: The minimum levels of financial capacity will be assessed on the basis of the following information: minimum level of annual sales required: 10,000,000 euro(s) III.1.3) Technical and professional capacity: List and brief description of selection criteria: 3. average number of employees and number of supervisory staff for each of the last three years. 4. the candidate's references over the last five years for work similar to that covered by the contract; 5. the tools, equipment and technical facilities available to the supplier for carrying out contracts of a similar nature; 6. Certificates of professional qualification issued by independent bodies or any equivalent means of proof (certificate of satisfactory performance signed by Moe or Moa) for the qualification requested: - Qualibat - 1552 - Asbestos treatment - Qualibat - 712 - External thermal insulation with coating and cladding - Qualibat - 324 - Liquid waterproofing (S.E.L.) - Qualibat - 4411- Serrurerie-métallerie - Qualibat - Certificat de formation pour Intervention en sous-section 4 - Qualibat - 35- Menuiseries extérieures et occultations - Qualibat - 3292- Etanchéité avec végétalisation - Qualibat - 531-Ventilation mécanique III.1.5) Information on reserved contracts III.2) Conditions linked to the contract III.2.1) Information relating to the profession III.2.2) Special conditions of execution III.2.3) Information on the members of staff responsible for carrying out the contract III.2.4) Contract eligible for the MPS The transmission and verification of application documents can be carried out by the simplified public procurement system on presentation of the SIRET number: no. SECTION IV: PROCEDURE IV.1) Description IV.1.1) Type of procedure: Open IV.1.3) Information on the framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system IV.1.4) Information on reducing the number of solutions or offers during negotiation or dialogue IV.1.6) Electronic auction IV.1.8) Information concerning the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): The contract is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: yes. IV.2) Administrative information IV.2.1) Previous publication relating to this procedure IV.2.2) Deadline for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 23/02/2024 at 16:00 IV.2.3) Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates IV.2.4) Language(s) which may be used in the tender or request to participate: French. IV.2.6) Minimum period during which the bidder is required to maintain its offer: Duration in months: 5 (from the deadline for receipt of offers). IV.2.7) Tender opening procedure : Date : February 26, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. SECTION VI : SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION VI.1) Renewal : This is not a renewable contract VI.2) Information on electronic exchanges VI.3) Additional information : Tenders must be submitted by electronic means. This consultation benefits from the DUME service. To find the full notice, access the DCE, ask questions to the purchaser or submit a bid, go to - VISIT: Candidates must visit the site in accordance with the procedures described in article 2.6 of the consultation regulations (RC). TRANCHES : No breakdown into tranches is envisaged (article 1 of the RC) VARIANTS : Variants are not authorized (article 2.4 of the RC) NEGOTIATIONS : Negotiations are prohibited (article 5.4 of the RC) All documents can be found on the buyer's profile The individual candidate, or each member of the grouping, must not fall within one of the cases of exclusion from the award procedure provided for in the Public Order Code VI.4) Appeals procedures VI.4.1) Body responsible for appeal procedures: Tribunal de Paris, Parvis du Tribunal de Paris, F - 75017 Paris, Tél : +33 144325151, courriel : [email protected] , adresse internet : VI.4.2) Body responsible for mediation procedures VI.4.3) Procedure for lodging appeals: Precisions concerning the time limits for lodging appeals: Cf. the parquet du Tribunal judiciaire mentioned at the above address VI.4.4) Service from which information may be obtained concerning the lodging of appeals VI.5) Date of dispatch of this notice: December 28, 2023 Receive similar notices
- Opportunity closing date
- 23 February 2024
- Value of contract
- to be confirmed
About the buyer
- Address
- SA d'HLM L'Habitation Confortable FRANCE
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