Multi Country - NATO - protected business network (PBN): secure integrated enterprise platform

This is a business opportunity from an overseas buyer. Pitch for the business and explain how your company meets their requirements.

NCIA is looking for competitive proposals for the provision of contracted support services to implement the PBN capability programme.


Opportunity closing date
26 February 2025
Opportunity publication date
15 January 2025
Opportunity type
Advanced engineering, Aerospace, Security, Software & Computer Services, Technology and smart cities
Enquiries received
Value of contract
more than £50m
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The Protected Business Network (PBN) capability is intended to deliver flexible and adaptable solutions for IT mobility to the NATO enterprise up to NATO restricted (NR) and NATO unclassified (NU) levels in support of business processes.

The PBN vision is an integrated enterprise IT platform for developing a classified digital workplace (up to NR).

Challenges associated with combining NU and NR capabilities and the related access controls and accreditation processes will require partnering with a top industry partner. NATO Communications and Information Agency intends to identify the partner through a competitive selection process.

The selected industry partner will be required to develop a comprehensive and detailed methodology. This includes:

  • articulating clear objectives
  • defining structured processes, roles and responsibilities
  • proposing innovative approaches tailored to address the unique challenges and requirements 

The industry partner must demonstrate the technical and operational feasibility of these methodologies during the demonstration phase, ensuring that the proposed solutions are practical, effective, and aligned with project goals.

By accomplishing these deliverables, 'Project 0: Discover and Accelerate', will lay the groundwork for a robust and streamlined implementation of subsequent PBN projects, fostering a framework of excellence and continuous improvement.

The projects are:

  • Project 0: select a single industry partner (Service Industry Integrator) to which the NCIA will entrust the follow-on implementation of the subsequent projects
  • Project 1: Implement and Scale
  • Project 2: Community of Interest (COI) Migration) in order to achieve the full PBN capability implementation.
Opportunity closing date
26 February 2025
Value of contract
more than £50m
The buyer is happy to talk to
manufacturers, distributors, agents, consultants

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