Argentina - LPI 01/2024 - Acquisition of Essential Medicines for the REMEDIAR National Program - UNDP Project ARG 19/010

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
30 July 2024
Opportunity publication date
02 July 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Overview : SPECIFIC PROCUREMENT ANNOUNCEMENT "Program to support the Effective Universal Health Coverage by guaranteeing the coverage of services through the provision of critical supplies "PNUD Project ARG 19/010International Public Bidding No. 01/24 "Procurement of Essential Medicines for the REMEDIAR National Program "EX-2024-- -APN-DCYC#MS 01/24 "Acquisition of Essential Drugs for the National Program REMEDIAR "EX-2024-27642670- -APN-DCYC#MS This Public Bidding is carried out within the framework of the "Program to Support Effective Universal Health Coverage by guaranteeing the coverage of services through the provision of Critical Supplies" - UNDP Project ARG 19/010. The Procurement and Contracting Department invites potential bidders to submit sealed bids for the acquisition of the following goods: LOTEDESCRIPTIONQUANTITIES REQUIREDPHYSICAL UNIT1ACETYL SALICYLIC ACID (ASPIRIN) COMPROMIDES 100 MG13.043,520tablets2ACID FOLIC ACID 1 MG tablet252,000tablets3ACID FUSIDIC CREAM 2%56,645knobs4AMOXYCILLIN 500 MG tablet20,790,000tablets5AMOXYCILLIN POWDER FOR SUSPENSION 500 MG/5ML1.080,000bottles6BETAMETHASONE (AS VALERATE) CREAM 0.1%81,151knobs7CALCIUM COMPROMIDES 500 to 1000 MG OF ELEMENTARY CALCIUM3,225,600tablets8CEPHALEXIN COMPROMIDES 500 MG9,499,672tablets9CEPHALEXIN POWDER FOR SUSPENSION 500 MG/5ML228.834bottles10CIPROFLOXACIN + HYDROCORTISONE OPTIC DROPS 0.2+1%53,200dropper bottles11ENALAPRIL COMPRIDES 10 MG31,500,000tablets12CALENDULA EXTRACT IN CREAM: Calendula Officinalis Extract. Fragrance free22,400knobs13GENTAMYCIN CREAM 0.1%79,800knobs14HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE COMPRIDES 25 MG3,885,810tablets15I IRON (AS FUMARATE, POLYMALTOSATE OR SULPHATE) COMPRIDES or CAPSULES 60 to 130 MG of elemental Iron102,330tablets or capsules16I IRON (S. FERROUS) ORAL SOLUTION 12.5/100 G/ML147.728dropper bottles17I IRON (AS FUMARATE OR SULPHATE) + FOLIC ACID COMPRESSES or CAPSULES 60 to 130 MG of elemental Iron + 400 to 1200 MCG of Folic Acid5,400,000tablets or capsules18HOMATROPINE COMPRESSES 4 MG2.662,232tablets19IBUPROPHEN SUSPENSION 100 MG/5 ML (2%)205,612flasks20LEVODOPA + CARBIDOPA COMPRIDES 250+25 MG699,300tablets21MEBENDAZOL COMPRIDES 200 MG607.314tablets22MEBENDAZOL SUSPENSION 100 MG/5 ML78.391bottles23METHORMINE COMPRIDES 500 MG16.276.617tablets24METOCLOPRAMIDE SOLUTION 0.2%77.994dropper bottles25METOCLOPRAMIDE SOLUTION 0.5%109,872dropper bottles26NORFLOXACIN COMPRIDES 400 MG1,680,000tablets27PARACETAMOL ORAL SOLUTION 100 MG/ML1,200.000dropper vials28PENICILLIN G BENZATINIC INJECTION POWDER 2400000 IU40.828ampoule29TISSUE REGENERATING PROTECTIVE OMEADO WITH ZINC AND VITAMIN A: Zinc oxide 15 g + Vitamin A 600.000 IU + Boric Acid 2 g, per 100 g22,400g30PROGESTERONE MICRONIZED SOFT CAPSULES 200 MG420,000capsules31PROTECTOR SUNSCREEN FOR CHILDREN Protection SPF 50, against UVA and UVB rays. With physical or mineral filters. Fragrance free.12.000flasks32POWDER REHYDRATION SALTS 27-28.5G: Composition in salts registered in ANMAT as SRO259.972fills33THYMOLOLOL MALEATE Ophthalmic Drops 0.5%24.500flasksdroppers34VITAMIN D WHITE CAPSULE 100000 IU159.600capsules35VITAMIN D ORAL SOLUTION 300-500 IU/DROP136.450dropper bottles The delivery schedule is detailed in the Bidding Document PLIEG-2024-67772400-APN-DGA#MS.Interested eligible bidders may obtain additional information from the Purchasing and Contracting Department (DCYC), e-mail: Monday through Friday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Interested bidders may download, free of charge, a complete set of the Bidding Documents from the National Ministry of Health website Bids must be received at the address below no later than 12:00 noon on July 30, 2024. Bids received after the deadline will be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders' representatives who wish to attend in person at the address indicated at the end of this Invitation for Bids at 12:30 p.m. on July 30, 2024. Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Maintenance Statement. Dirección de Compras y Contrataciones - Ministerio de Salud de la NaciónAv. 9 de Julio 1925 - 3° piso "Ala Moreno" Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires - República ArgentinaTelephone / Fax: 4379-9000 (ext. 4368/4370)E-mail: Website (electronic version of the bidding document): Opening Date: July 30, 2024 at 12:30 p.m.Dirección de Compras y Contrataciones - Ministerio de Salud de la NaciónAv. 9 de Julio 1925 - 3° piso "Ala Moreno" Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires - República ArgentinaPhone / Fax: 4379-9000 (internos 4368/4370)Email: Website (electronic version of the bidding document): opening: July 30, 2024 at 12:30 p.m.

Opportunity closing date
30 July 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer


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