Israel - Light firefighting vehicle

This is a business opportunity from an overseas buyer. Pitch for the business and explain how your company meets their requirements.

Israel Airports Authority (IAA) is looking for a light firefighting vehicle along with ancillary components and services.


Opportunity closing date
26 August 2024
Opportunity publication date
24 July 2024
Opportunity type
Public Sector
Enquiries received
Value of contract
to be confirmed
Your guide to exporting
Report opportunity


The bidder should have:

  • the capability to provide maintenance services in Israel for the firefighting vehicles – by itself or through its local agent or subcontractor (according to a valid agreement between the bidder and the service provider)
  • at least 2 years' experience in maintenance of firefighting systems installed on the firefighting vehicles as a maintenance service provider 
  • at least 2 technicians – one mechanic and one certified electrician

The vehicle's manufacturer should have: 

  • at least 3 consecutive years in design, manufacturing and supply of firefighting vehicles
  • sold during these 3 years at least 10 firefighting vehicles 
Opportunity closing date
26 August 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
The buyer is happy to talk to
manufacturers, distributors

The deadline to apply for this opportunity has passed.
Visit the opportunities page to find another.

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