Austria - Industrial energy storage

This is a business opportunity from an overseas buyer. Pitch for the business and explain how your company meets their requirements.

An Austrian electricity provider running its own accelerator programme is looking for innovative solutions for industrial energy storage


Opportunity closing date
14 August 2024
Opportunity publication date
11 July 2024
Opportunity type
Private Sector
Enquiries received
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Report opportunity


An Austrian electricity provider running its own accelerator programme is looking for innovative solutions for industrial energy storage.

Teaming up with major industrial production companies in Austria that are converting their industrial plans from fossil fuels to sustainable energy sources, the electricity provider is looking for:

  • effective energy storage solutions to enable reliable operations
  • advanced energy storage systems that compensate for fluctuations in the energy supply, including short-term as well as long-term storage and energy conversion applications

All involved partners aim to identify technologies beyond traditional lithium-ion batteries, focusing on Power2X and other conversion technologies.

Opportunity closing date
14 August 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
The buyer is happy to talk to

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