Ireland - Howth FHC Middle Pier Upgrade Surfacing and Drainage Works 2024

For more information and to make a bid you will need to go to the third party website.


Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
02 October 2024
Opportunity publication date
30 August 2024
Value of contract
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Report opportunity


An area within the existing Middle Pier is to be re-surfaced for enhanced safety and durability for all users. Surfacing is to be of concrete slabs, asphalt surfacing and paving slabbed paved areas, per attached drawings and specifications. Works also include installation of drainage, ducting, manhole chambers, gullies and associated earthworks for all of the above. Works will take place in a live fishery harbour centre, in proximity to a public slipway, RNLI station, and will involve traffic management to facilitate continued access to the Fishing Pier by fishers immediately to the north. It is proposed that a contractor tender for and undertake these remedial works.

Opportunity closing date
02 October 2024
Value of contract

About the buyer

Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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