Mauritius - Higher education provider

This is a business opportunity from an overseas buyer. Pitch for the business and explain how your company meets their requirements.

Polytechnics Mauritius is looking for a UK partner to deliver top-up courses for existing diplomas across different subject areas.


Opportunity closing date
01 September 2024
Opportunity publication date
09 May 2024
Opportunity type
Public Sector
Education and training
Enquiries received
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Polytechnics Mauritius (PML) is looking for a comprehensive partner to provide top-up courses for their existing diploma programmes. They started with 72 students in 2017 and now have 5,200 students.

Volume: the top-up courses will have an initial student population of 200 students (across all courses) and over 5 years, the student population is expected to be at least 1,000.

Subject areas:

1.       Health, Sciences and Nursing

2.       IT & Emerging Technologies

3.       Tourism, Hospitality, Leisure and Sports

4.       Built Environment, Engineering and Transport

Training types: Articulation into higher courses, dual programmes, corporate courses, stakeholder demand courses, CPD courses, micro-credentials.

Value: Tertiary education is free in Mauritius. PML is a public institution and receives a government subsidy. The value will be discussed between PML and the partner institution.

Opportunity closing date
01 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

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