Germany - General building description The buildings are located at Ringslebenstr. 68, 7

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
09 October 2024
Opportunity publication date
21 August 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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General building description
The buildings are located at Ringslebenstr. 68, 70 72 74 76 and 78 in 12353 Berlin-Buckow.
The buildings were constructed around 1972.
The existing buildings are divided into 2 eight-storey buildings, 3 eleven-storey buildings and a
thirteen-storey tower block.
The existing buildings will undergo a comprehensive energy modernization with accompanying string refurbishment.
The buildings will be unoccupied during the construction work.
At the same time, a parallel construction project is taking place within the residential complex. 2 new buildings are being erected. The parking garage will be renovated at a later date.

Type and scope of the service tendered here

The subject of this tender is painting work in the area of wall and flooring as well as floor covering work. This includes the painting of apartments by means of wallpaper or paint. Stairwells will also be refurbished. Renewal of the floor covering in apartments and stairwells.

- Painting work in apartments - under pollutant conditions 6758m² asbestos. Ceiling plaster repair filler in occupied apartments
- Painting work in apartments - under pollutant conditions 27378m² of asbestos-based wall plaster Wall plaster Repair filler- occupied apartments
- Painting work apartments 1689,50m² asbesth. Ceiling plaster repair filler- occupied apartments
- Painting work apartments 6844,50m² asbesth. Wall plaster Repair plaster - occupied apartments
- Painting work apartments 6758m² ceiling-glass fabric VG without structure glueing + painting
- Painting work -floor corridors- under pollutant conditions 27378m² Walls-glass fabric VG without structure bonding + painting
- Painting work -staircases 1689,50m² ceiling-glass fabric VG without structure+painting
- Painting work -staircases 6844,50m² walls-glass fabric VG without structure+painting
- Floor covering apartments 1325m² Stairwells substrate preparation-ceilings\/ undersides of stairs on asbestos plaster+painting
- Floor covering apartments- under pollutant conditions 1870m² stairwells substrate preparation-walls\/ undersides of stairs on asbestos plaster
- Floor covering work apartments 4700m² stairwells Substrate preparation-walls\/ undersides of stairs without pollutants substrates
- Flooring work apartments 12425m² PVC flooring Empty apartments + occupied apartments
- Floor covering work floor corridors\/floor corridor chambers 2720 m² PVC\/Linoleum covering small areas as repair areas
- Floor coatings SI- stairwells 1770m² linoleum flooring in corridors
Execution period
Start: 09.01.2025, end: 06.05.2026
Proof to be provided
Proof of expertise of the responsible site manager and supervisor in accordance with TRGS 519, TRGS 524 and TRGS 505

Opportunity closing date
09 October 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Gewobag WB Wohnen in Berlin GmbH

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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