Canada - Forestry and Parks - Request for Quotes - Glenbow East Park Quonset Removal

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
01 August 2024
Opportunity publication date
05 July 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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The original East Glenbow Ranch homestead is located on the southwest side of the CPR Railway line. When Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park was created in 2007, public road access to the property was removed. Parks staff occupied a farmhouse that is now been removed and a Quonset in 2008. Previous to that, the House and Quonset remained unoccupied for an unknown number of years. All services were disconnected in 2012. The Quonset was unused and has deteriorated and has now become a danger to staff and the public.
Demolish the Quonset and Alberta Parks identified surrounding livestock fencing. Decommission existing water well located inside the Quonset.

Opportunity closing date
01 August 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Forestry and Parks

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