Canada - Fence Replacement, Canso Canal

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
20 September 2024
Opportunity publication date
04 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Work under this Contract includes but is not limited to the provision of all labour, materials, and equipment required to:
• Mobilize/demobilize including site preparation and organization;
• Remove and dispose of all existing fence and wire mesh to be replaced;
• Remove trees and shrubs at location of new installations;
• Supply and install new complete 2.44 meter high galvanized chain link fence including 0.30 meter high barb wire, includes sections installed on galvanized steel base plate;
• Supply and install 2.44 meter high galvanized wire mesh, top rail and 0.30 meter high barb wire (This section of existing fence posts will be reuses as in-place);
• Supply and install various sizes of single and double swing gates;
• Install temporary fence at the end of each working shift to keep the site secured during off working hours
The Canso Canal is a manmade waterway that forms part of the Canso Causeway to allow marine traffic to transit the Strait of Canso. The Canso Canal is operated by the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) Atlantic Region from April 14 to December 23 on a 24/7 basis. The Canso Canal site also includes storage facilities from the Environmental Response (ER) program of the CCG.
The Canso Canal site is secured by a perimeter fence with limited access to security screened employees. The fence has been in place for over 30 years and has been exposed to salt water environment and harsh winter conditions that have led to extensive deterioration. Replacing these sections of fence is necessary to ensure safety, maintain aesthetics and minimize future maintenance costs.
The Canso Canal site is an active operational zone controlled by the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG). The Officer-in-Charge is responsible for the site’ operation and the contractor must follow his instructions if and when given.
The contractor will not have access to any of the facilities onsite. The contractor will require to be self-sufficient, this includes portable site trailers, portable washroom, electrical power and drinking water.
The contractor must follow Canso Canal’s Site Specific Safety, Process and Information Document. Contractor’s management must assure this information must be known and followed by every participant to this project of their control, this includes but not limited to, all employees, subcontractors, consultants and deliveries. the contractor must also submit site specific Health and Safety Plan within 7 days of notice to proceed and prior to commencement of work. Please refer to Health and Safety Requirement section 01 35 29 of the specification for more information.
The contractor must be accompanied by a commissionaire when onsite performing work. A site Access Request must be submitted to departmental representative 48hrs in advance of arrival to site. The commissionaire will be assigned with the contractor by the departmental representative at no cost to the contractor.
The contractor must provide temporary site enclosure fencing with lockable gates to prevent unauthorize access at the end of the work shift. Locks are to be supplied by departmental representative and the commissionaire will have access to the keys. Please refer to Temporary Controls Section 01 57 00 of the specification for more information.
The contractor must submit a waste disposal plan that will demonstrate the commitment to reduce and divert waste materials from landfill.
Deliverables to be submit prior to mobilization to site includes:
1. Shop drawings
a. Chain link fences and gates
i. Fence fabric gauge and finish
ii. Post and rail dimension and finish
iii. Gate frame dimension and finish
iv. Required fittings and hardware
v. Other information as requested
b. Proposed base plate and anchoring detail
c. Concrete mix
2. Proposed work schedule
3. Site specific safety plan
4. Site security plan
5. Waste disposal plan

Opportunity closing date
20 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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