Germany - Faunistic mapping and potential assessments as well as species protection law
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Provided by- Opportunity closing date
- 19 February 2025
- Opportunity publication date
- 17 January 2025
- Value of contract
- to be confirmed
- Your guide to exporting
Faunistic mapping and assessment of potential as well as species conservation report; Scope of service:; 3.1: Faunistic mapping and assessment of potential; Measures for the maintenance and recultivation of existing gardens and parks do not constitute an intervention in nature and landscape in accordance with; the monument protection law pursuant to § 12 para. 2 of NatSchAG M-V, so that the intervention regulation pursuant to § 14 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatSchG) and § 12; NatSchAG M-V does not have to be dealt with and there is no privilege pursuant to § 44 para. 5 BNatSchG (no restriction of the assessment relevance to European bird species and Annex IV species); Due to the habitat structures occurring in the area, the species groups named below are to be considered. The range of services has already been agreed with the Lower Nature Conservation Authority (Dr. Grunewald); The survey periods and number of surveys are to be set in accordance with the specifications in Table 2a; of the HzE. The methods and minimum standards of the surveys should be based on the latest scientific research; breeding birds; territory mapping for breeding birds is to be carried out in accordance with the "Methodological standards for recording breeding birds; in Germany" (Südbeck et al. 2005). The project area (see; Annex 207.b) plus an impact area of 50 m is to be used as the study area; 6 day surveys and 2 night surveys are required in the period from March to July 2025; In addition to the own surveys, data research is to be carried out at the Lower Nature Conservation Authority (Dr.; Grunewald); For the Großer Frankenteich, occurrences of the little bittern, which is difficult to record due to its secretive way of life, are known. An evaluation of current sightings from should therefore be carried out for this species. One possible contact person is the ornithologist Ralf Schmidt from NABU. The; Hanseatic City of Stralsund only has data for the period 20.07.2020 to 18.06.2021. The little bittern was sighted at the Großer Frankenteich during this period. As a result of the research, an assessment of the potential for the little bittern; resting birds; a census of roosting sites and feeding areas should be carried out. The entire water body of the Großer Frankenteich should be used as the study area, depending on the wind direction; 9 inspections are required in the period from August 2025 to April 2026; In addition to our own surveys, data research should be carried out with the Lower Nature Conservation Authority (Dr.; Grunewald); Bats; The land-side areas of the project area (see Annex 207.b) plus an impact zone of 30 m should be used as the study area. The trees affected by the project must be checked for bat roosts (winter roosts, nursery roosts). Furthermore, trees not affected by; felling must also be considered with regard to the question of whether they may be affected by; "exemption" and increased lighting (from the day nursery or from possible lighting of the; path); In addition to our own surveys, data research must be carried out with the Lower Nature Conservation Authority (Dr.; Grunewald); Dragonflies; All native species are listed in accordance with Section 7 para. 2 No. 13 BNatSchG; If the risk of killing and injuring dragonfly larvae and/or eggs and thus the impact on all potentially occurring species can be avoided in the species protection report (see point 3.2) by means of construction time windows and/or measures to minimize the risk, mapping can be dispensed with in consultation with the lower nature conservation authority (Dr. Grunewald). An assessment of potential is then sufficient; ground beetles and ants; With regard to the species groups of ground beetles and ants, appropriate avoidance measures must also be proposed in the species protection report; (see point 3.2) and agreed with the Lower Nature Conservation Authority. (The text has been cut off. You can find the entire text in the PDF file)
- Opportunity closing date
- 19 February 2025
- Value of contract
- to be confirmed
About the buyer
- Address
- Stadterneuerungsgesellschaft Stralsund mbH
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