Germany - Earthworks, hydraulic engineering and civil engineering work; all work in nature conservation areas with official approval

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
26 September 2024
Opportunity publication date
12 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Earthworks, hydraulic engineering and civil engineering works; all works in nature conservation area with official requirements and authorized specialist; construction supervision; soil protection requirement: without exception, use of tracked excavators with ground pressure up to 0.37kg\/cm2,; bulldozer\/dozer up to 0.2kg\/cm2, !no use of wheel tracks on grassland!; Removal without replacement of crossings with pipe culverts DN 400 - DN 1000 (3 pieces); Tree felling (20 pieces) and clearing; Open dewatering, installation of bypass for flowing water (DN 500); Delivery and construction of construction roads with excavator mattresses\/steel plates (1.800 m2); demolition of retaining structure and pump building with fiber cement roof (base area 3.2 x 2.2 m); construction of amphibian protection guidance system (toad fences, delivery 700 m); installation of temporary crossings with pipe culvert (6 pieces); areas mowing, disking and towing (approx. 90,000 m2); loosening soil (approx. 15,200 m³), incorporation into old course and on grassland, conveyance up to 250 m with tracked vehicle; construction of fish ladder as rough channel basin pass with 21 stone bars; delivery of filling soil and bulk materials (incl.including: gravel-sand mixture, armourstone, river gravel, STS); connection of existing drainage; extensive surveying services for construction, mass determination and documentation; extensive work for the declaration and recycling of waste; provision of waste officer as waste manager; provision of health and safety coordinator

Opportunity closing date
26 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Amt Krakow am See

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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