France - E23_1658_SAD_Maintenance, testing and supply of spare parts, accessories, reagents and consumables for laboratory equipment

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
15 December 2031
Opportunity publication date
22 December 2023
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Department(s) of publication : 69, 38, 42, 83 Advertisement No 23-175016 I.II.III.IV.VI. TENDER NOTICE Directive 2014/24/UE This notice constitutes a call for tenders Section I: Contracting authority I.1) NAME AND ADDRESSES CHU Lyon, 45 rue Villon, 69373, LYON Cedex 08, F, E-mail : [email protected] , Code NUTS : FRK26 Internet address(es) : Main address : Address of the buyer profile : I.2) JOINT PROCEDURE I.3) COMMUNICATION The contract documents are available free of charge without restriction.) COMMUNICATION Contract documents are available free of charge in full and unrestricted direct access at the following address: Address from which additional information may be obtained: other address: Hospices Civils de Lyon-Direction des Achats Etablissement support du GHT Val Rhône Centre, 45, rue Villon - Cs 48283, 69373, LYON Cedex 08, F, E-mail: [email protected] , Code NUTS : FRK26, Internet address: , Adresse du profil d'acheteur : Tenders or requests to participate must be sent electronically to the following address: I.4) TYPE OF CONTRACTING AUTHORITY Other type : Etablissement public de santé I.5) PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY Health Section II : Subject II.1) SCOPE OF CONTRACT II.1.1) Title: E23_1658_SAD_Maintenance, testing and supply of spare parts, accessories, reagents and consumables for laboratory equipment Reference number: E23_1658_LB II.1.2) Main CPV code: Main descriptor: 50421000 Additional descriptor: II.1.3) Type of contract Services II.1.4) Brief description: Dynamic purchasing system - Maintenance services, inspections, supply of spare parts, accessories, consumables and reagents relating to multi-brand equipment for the Hospices Civils de Lyon (Rhône and Var) and GHT Val-Rhône-Centre member establishments II.1.5) Estimated total value: Value excluding VAT: 3 850 400 euros II.1.6) Information on lots: This contract is divided into lots: yes Tenders may be submitted for all lots The contracting authority reserves the right to award contracts combining the following lots or groups of lots: None II.2) DESCRIPTION II.2.1) Title: CATEGORY 1: Maintenance, inspection and supply of spare parts, accessories, reagents and consumables for laboratory equipment Lot no.: 1 II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s) Main CPV code: 50421000 Additional descriptor(s): Main CPV code: 33140000 Additional descriptor(s): Main CPV code: 33696500 Additional descriptor(s): II.2.3) Place of performance NUTS code: FRK26-FRK24-FRK25-FRL05 Main place of performance: II.2.4) Description of services : CATEGORY 1 : Maintenance, inspection and supply of spare parts, accessories, reagents and consumables for laboratory equipment II.2.5) Award criteria Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are set out solely in the contract documents II.2.6) Estimated value Value excluding VAT: euros II.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system This contract may be subject to renewal:yes Description of the arrangements or timetable for renewals: The specific contracts resulting from the SAD may be renewed in accordance with the terms set out in the specific contract consultation documents II.2.9) Information on the limits on the number of candidates invited to participate Objective criteria for limiting the number of candidates: II.2.10) Variants Variants will be considered:no II.2.11) Information on options Options: no II.2.12) Information on electronic catalogs II.2.13) Information on European Union funds The contract is part of a project/programme financed by European Union funds: no Project identification: II.2.14) Additional information: II.2) DESCRIPTION II.2.1) Title: CATEGORY 2: Maintenance, inspection and supply of spare parts, accessories, reagents and consumables for equipment specific to anaesthesia and resuscitation Lot no.: 2 II.2.2) CP code(s): II.2.1) Description of contract.2) Additional CPV code(s) Main CPV code: 50421000 Additional descriptor(s): Main CPV code: 33140000 Additional descriptor(s): Main CPV code: 33696500 Additional descriptor(s): II.2.3) Place of performance NUTS code: FRK25-FRK26-FRK24-FRL05 Main place of performance: II.2.4) Description of services: CATEGORY 2: Maintenance, checks and supply of spare parts, accessories, reagents and consumables for equipment specific to anaesthesia and resuscitation II.2.5) Award criteria Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are set out solely in the contract documents II.2.6) Estimated value Value excluding VAT: euros II.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system This contract may be subject to renewal:yes Description of the arrangements or timetable for renewals: The specific contracts resulting from the SAD may be renewed in accordance with the terms set out in the specific contract consultation documents II.2.9) Information on the limits on the number of candidates invited to participate Objective criteria for limiting the number of candidates: II.2.10) Variants Variants will be considered:no II.2.11) Information on options Options: no II.2.12) Information on electronic catalogs II.2.13) Information on European Union funds The contract is part of a project/programme financed by European Union funds: no Project identification: II.2.14) Additional information: II.2) DESCRIPTION II.2.1) Title: CATEGORY 3: Maintenance, inspection and supply of spare parts, accessories, reagents and consumables for specific operating theatre and sterilization equipment Lot nº: 3 II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s) Main CPV code: 50421000 Additional descriptor(s): Main CPV code: 33140000 Additional descriptor(s): Main CPV code: 33696500 Additional descriptor(s): II.2.3) Place of performance NUTS code: FRK26-FRK24-FRK25-FRL05 Main place of performance: II.2.4) Description of services: CATEGORY 3: Maintenance, checks and supply of spare parts, accessories, reagents and consumables for specific operating theatre and sterilization equipment II.2.5) Award criteria Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are set out solely in the contract documents II.2.6) Estimated value Value excluding VAT: euros II.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system This contract may be subject to renewal:yes Description of the arrangements or timetable for renewals: The specific contracts resulting from the SAD may be renewed in accordance with the terms set out in the specific contract consultation documents II.2.9) Information on the limits on the number of candidates invited to participate Objective criteria for limiting the number of candidates: II.2.10) Variants Variants will be considered:no II.2.11) Information on options Options: no II.2.12) Information on electronic catalogs II.2.13) Information on European Union funds The contract is part of a project/program financed by European Union funds: no Project identification: II.2.14) Additional information: II.2) DESCRIPTION II.2.1) Title: CATEGORY 4: Maintenance, inspection and supply of spare parts, accessories, reagents and consumables for functional exploration equipment Lot nº: 4 II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s) Main CPV code: 50421000 Additional descriptor(s): Main CPV code: 33140000 Additional descriptor(s): Main CPV code: 33696500 Additional descriptor(s): II.2.3) Place of performance NUTS code: FRK26-FRK24-FRK25-FRL05 Main place of performance: II.2.4) Description of services: CATEGORY 4: Maintenance, checks and supply of spare parts, accessories, reagents and consumables for functional exploration equipment II.2II.2.5) Award criteria Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are set out solely in the contract documents II.2.6) Estimated value Value excluding VAT: euros II.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system This contract may be renewed:yes Description of the arrangements or timetable for renewal: The specific contracts resulting from the SAD may be renewed in accordance with the terms set out in the specific contract consultation documents II.2.9) Information on the limits on the number of candidates invited to participate Objective criteria for limiting the number of candidates: II.2.10) Variants Variants will be considered:no II.2.11) Information on options Options: no II.2.12) Information on electronic catalogs II.2.13) Information on European Union funds The contract is part of a project/program financed by European Union funds: no Project identification: II.2.14) Additional information: II.2) DESCRIPTION II.2.1) Title: CATEGORY 5: Maintenance, inspection and supply of spare parts, accessories, reagents and consumables for medical imaging equipment Lot nº: 5 II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s) Main CPV code: 50421000 Additional descriptor(s): Main CPV code: 33114000 Additional descriptor(s): Main CPV code: 33696500 Additional descriptor(s): II.2.3) Place of performance NUTS code: FRK26-FRK24-FRK25-FRL05 Main place of performance: II.2.4) Description of services: CATEGORY 5: Maintenance, inspection and supply of spare parts, accessories, reagents and consumables for medical imaging equipment II.2II.2.5) Award criteria Price is not the only award criterion, and all criteria are set out solely in the contract documents II.2.6) Estimated value Value excluding VAT: euros II.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system This contract may be renewed:yes Description of the arrangements or timetable for renewal: The specific contracts resulting from the SAD may be renewed in accordance with the terms set out in the specific contract consultation documents II.2.9) Information on the limits on the number of candidates invited to participate Objective criteria for limiting the number of candidates: II.2.10) Variants Variants will be considered:no II.2.11) Information on options Options: no II.2.12) Information on electronic catalogs II.2.13) Information on European Union funds The contract is part of a project/program financed by European Union funds: no Project identification: II.2.14) Additional information: II.2) DESCRIPTION II.2.1) Title: CATEGORY 6: Supply of miscellaneous spare parts, accessories and consumables dedicated to biomedical maintenance and miscellaneous services for biomedical services Lot nº: 6 II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s) Main CPV code: 50421000 Additional descriptor(s): Main CPV code: 33140000 Additional descriptor(s): II.2.3) Place of performance NUTS code: FRK26-FRK24-FRK25 Main place of performance: II.2.4) Description of services: CATEGORY 6: Supply of miscellaneous spare parts, accessories and consumables for biomedical maintenance and miscellaneous services for biomedical departments II.2II.2.5) Award criteria Price is not the only award criterion, and all criteria are set out solely in the contract documents II.2.6) Estimated value Value excluding VAT: euros II.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system This contract may be renewed:yes Description of the arrangements or timetable for renewal: The specific contracts resulting from the SAD may be renewed in accordance with the terms set out in the specific contract consultation documents II.2.9) Information on the limits on the number of candidates invited to participate Objective criteria for limiting the number of candidates: II.2.10) Variants Variants will be considered:no II.2.11) Information on options Options: no II.2.12) Information on electronic catalogs II.2.13) Information on European Union funds The contract is part of a project/program financed by European Union funds: no Identification of the project: II.2.14) Additional information: Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information III.1) CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION III.1.1) Authorisation to carry out the professional activity, including requirements relating to registration in the trade or professional register List and brief description of the conditions: See Invitation to tender (IAC) III.1.2) Economic and financial capacity Selection criteria as mentioned in the consultation documents List and brief description of the selection criteria: Minimum specific level(s) required: III.1.3) Technical and professional capacity Selection criteria as mentioned in the consultation documents List and brief description of the selection criteria, indication of the information and documents required: Minimum specific level(s): III.1.5) Information on reserved contracts: III.2) CONDITIONS RELATED TO THE CONTRACT III.2.1) Information relating to the profession References of applicable legislative, regulatory or administrative provisions: III.2.2) Specific conditions of execution: III.2.3) Information on personnel responsible for performance of the contract III.2.4) Contract eligible for MPS Transmission and verification of application documents may be carried out by the Simplified Public Procurement system on presentation of the SIRET number: NO Section IV: Procedure IV.1) DESCRIPTION IV.1.1) Type of procedure Restricted procedure IV.1.3) Information on the framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system The contract involves the implementation of a dynamic purchasing system In the case of framework agreements - justification of a duration exceeding four years: IV.1.4) Information on the reduction of the number of solutions or offers during negotiation or dialogue IV.1.5) Information on negotiation IV.1.6) Electronic auction : IV.1.8) Information concerning the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) The contract is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement : yes IV.2) ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION IV.2.1) Previous publication relating to this procedure Number of the notice in the OJ S series : IV.2.2) Deadline for receipt of tenders or requests to participate 15 December 2031 - 12:30 IV.2.3) Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates Date : IV.2.4) Language(s) which may be used in the tender or request to participate: French IV.2.6) Minimum period during which the tenderer must maintain its tender: The tender must be valid until: or Duration in months: (From the deadline for receipt of tenders) IV.2.7) Procedure for opening tenders Information on authorized persons and procedure for opening tenders: Section VI: Additional information VI.1) RENEWAL This is a non-renewable contract Provisional publication schedule for next notices: VI.2) INFORMATION ON ELECTRONIC EXCHANGES VI.3) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The present notice is drafted in French. Exclusion criteria are indicated in the invitation to tender.The Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is a purchasing technique which enables one or more economic operators to be pre-selected according to an open and entirely electronic public procurement process, whereby the contracting authority awards, after competition, one or more "specific" contracts to one of the economic operators previously selected by category.The DPS is open throughout its period of validity to any economic operator satisfying the selection criteria. To ensure equal treatment and enable any interested economic operator to participate in the SAD, the purchaser offers free, direct and complete electronic access to the consultation documents throughout its period of validity. The present SAD is subdivided into categories. As an indication, the consultation for the first specific contract will be launched from February 1, 2024. In accordance with article R2162-44 of the French Public Order Code, a minimum period of 30 days must elapse between publication of the SAD and the launch of the consultation for the first specific contract. VI.4) APPEALS PROCEDURES VI.4.1) Body responsible for appeals procedures: Tribunal administratif de Lyon, 184, rue Duguesclin, 69003, LYON, F, Email: [email protected] , Internet address: VI.4.2) Body responsible for mediation procedures: VI.4.1) Body responsible for appeals procedures: Tribunal administratif de Lyon, 184, rue Duguesclin, 69003, LYON, F, Email: [email protected] , Internet address: VI.4.2) Body responsible for mediation procedures: VI.4..3) Introduction of recourse: Precisions concerning the deadlines for introduction of recourse: Référé précontractuel may be exercised up to the signing of the contract under the conditions of articles L551-1 to L551-4 of the Code of Administrative Justice; référé contractuel may be exercised no later than the 31st day following the publication of a notice of award of contract under the conditions of articles L551-13 to L551-23 of the Code of Administrative Justice; recours en contestation de validité open to unsuccessful candidates and may be exercised within 2 months of the completion of "appropriate advertising measures". VI.4.4) Department from which information may be obtained concerning the lodging of appeals: VI.5) DATE OF SENDING OF THIS NOTICE December 15, 2023 Receive similar notices

Opportunity closing date
15 December 2031
Value of contract
to be confirmed

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