Germany - Divided into two building complexes and consisting of six individual buildings, the

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
10 October 2024
Opportunity publication date
04 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Report opportunity


Divided into two building complexes and consisting of six individual buildings, the quarter at
Tucholskystrasse 49 and 51 and Torstrasse 204, 206, 208 and 210 comprises a total of 138 apartments and 6 commercial units.
apartments and 6 commercial units.
The 5 and 7-storey prefabricated buildings of the WBS 70 type made of prefabricated concrete elements and modules, some with differently colored exposed concrete façades and partial ceramic tiles, were built between 1985 and 1986.
The residential buildings are located in the Spandauer Vorstadt ensemble conservation area. The properties are characterized by regular structural maintenance, but without thorough modernization or repair. However, all of the buildings have already been renovated.
Some of the entrance areas have been modernized and modified over the years. Letterbox systems and doorbell systems have been replaced. Some of the apartment entrance doors have been replaced.
The first floor of Torstrasse 204 - 210 and Tucholskystrasse 51 consists of various commercial units.
commercial units. Some of the windows, shop windows and access doors of the commercial units are in need of renovation. Different advertising systems and canopy constructions of the operators must be taken into account.
The windows at Torstrasse 204 - 210 and Tucholskystrasse 51, from the 1st floor up to the 7th floor, have already been
renewed. The windows of Tucholskystraße 49 and the windows of the basement floors of all buildings are still in their original state. It is planned to replace the skylights in the pitched roof.
Both building complexes have a Berlin roof with a pitched roof area on the street side. At Torstrasse 204 - 210, there are some dormers in the roof area as well as staircases leading up to the top floor. The pitched roof area is covered with concrete roof tiles. The flat roof area has a trough for internal drainage.
Tucholskystrasse 51 has recessed loggias on the street side with glazed balustrades up to the top floor. Tucholskystraße 49 and Torstraße 204 - 210 have balconies on the courtyard side from the 1st to the 7th floor with angled prefabricated concrete parapets on both sides; the side walls are partially fitted with windbreak glazing to improve the lighting of the balconies.
Access to the inner courtyard area is possible via a driveway at Tucholskystrasse 49 and via a driveway at Linienstrasse 119 A-C.
The apartments are fully let, i.e. the construction work will be carried out while the tenants are
Based on the structural condition of the buildings, an energy-efficient refurbishment is planned. However, the design typical of the period is to be retained.
This is planned to include Renewal of canopies and roofs including roofing, built-in parts and sheet metal work. Cleaning, refurbishment and, if necessary, painting of the façades including loggias and balconies, with no external insulation. Replacement of windows from the period of construction. Renovation of stairwells incl. replacement of non-modernized apartment entrance and fire doors. Insulation of the basement ceiling. Preparation of the outdoor facilities.

Other measures for building structures
The construction work will be carried out while the building is occupied. The work will be carried out in sections on the individual buildings. The scope of the sections is to be agreed with the client during the further planning process.
The trades carrying out the work will set up a construction site facility in coordination with the project planning.
Work and protective scaffolding must be erected for the façade and building envelope renovation. After consultation with the species protection authorities, the buildings will be completely scaffolded and work will be carried out in sections once the species protection authorities have given their approval.
In the course of the construction work, dismantling measures will also be carried out (e.g. windows, doors,
sealing, sheet metal work, etc.). Existing pollutants will be dismantled and disposed of in accordance with the concept of the pollutant expert or the A+S coordinator.

Opportunity closing date
10 October 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

WBM Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Berlin-Mitte mbH

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