Germany - Development of commercial -\/ industrial area In der westlichen Trieb Steinacher Str

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
19 September 2024
Opportunity publication date
13 August 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Report opportunity


Development of commercial/industrial area In der westlichen Trieb Steinacher Straße in Burgbernheim; road construction work (development road length approx. 462 m with attached footpath/cycle path); approx. 4800 cbm earthworks; approx. 3150 to subsoil improvement ( soil replacement ); road drainage systems ( seepage pipes, road drains ); approx. 2100 cbm frost protection layers for road and footpath/cycle path; approx. 3400 sqm asphalt surface road Bk. 3.2 ( base course/ binder course/ surface course ); approx. 1230 sqm footpath/cycle path ( base course/ surface course ); approx. 1430 m concrete edging ( kerbs, lines, gutters ); sewer construction work ( separation system ) with rainwater treatment and retention; approx. 2700 cbm sewer trench excavation including backfilling ( partly soil replacement ); approx. 460 m wastewater sewers DN 200 and 250 mm ( material Stz and PP ); approx. 450 m rainwater sewers DN 315 PP to DN 500 Sb; approx. 200 m site connections for wastewater and rainwater; 1 sedimentation plant with inlet\/ throttle shaft and outlet shaft; new construction of rainwater retention basin in earthwork ( V approx. 160 cbm) with drainage structure; water pipe construction work (with pipe installation work); supply and lay approx. 480 m of new DN 80 - 150 PVC water supply main pipes; supply and lay approx. 5 water pipe property connections da 40 - 63 mm; natural gas pipeline construction work (without pipe installation work); approx. 300 cbm of pipeline trench excavation including backfilling; cable construction work (medium voltage line, street lighting, empty conduits); approx. 220 cbm pipeline trench excavation including backfilling; non-controllable pipe jacking for protective pipe undercrossing of the industrial track system Installation of 3 steel protective pipes using the horizontal directional drilling method in accordance with DWA worksheet A 125: - da 219 mm for the installation of a natural gas pipeline 125 x 11.4 mm PE-HD; - da 273 mm for the installation of the waste water sewer DN 250 mm PP; - da 508 mm for the installation of several cable conduits for the power supply

Opportunity closing date
19 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Stadt Burgbernheim

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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