Germany - Demolition work at the Oderbrück sewage pumping station; scope of work:; Oderbrück is

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
27 September 2024
Opportunity publication date
14 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Demolition work on the Oderbrück wastewater pumping station; Scope of work:; Oderbrück is a small settlement at just under 800 m above sea level between Bad Harzburg and Braunlage directly on; the B 4. It consists of around 20 group accommodations; there are hardly any permanent residents. The entire settlement; lies in the Harz National Park; The Oderbrück wastewater pumping station was operated as a sewage treatment plant until the 2010s. With the downgrading to a pumping station, various parts of the plant have become unnecessary and a large part of the land leased from the national park can be returned. However, due to the death of spruce trees in recent years, a number of trees have fallen on the fence, so that only fragments of the old fence are still visible. This tender concerns the demolition of the sludge silo, the dismantling of the existing fence, which is more of a fragment, and the removal and disposal of a cleaned propane gas tank. The site is located in the Harz National Park. Work should only be carried out with small equipment; along the route, living trees should be avoided if possible. Particularly in the eastern part of the fence, there are very strong tree trunks that should first be removed with small equipment. The vegetation should be affected as little as possible; The demolition of the sludge silo and gas tank can be carried out with larger equipment. The site can be easily reached by; normal two-axle trucks via a forest road. The access road is not suitable for larger vehicles (articulated lorries or trucks). However, low-loaders should be able to unload at one of the; parking lots on the B 4; ©: Issue 03\/2020: ; The concrete of the sludge silo was sampled. No relevant pollutants were found. The; concrete demolition is to be classified as RC-1 according to EBV RC or waste code 17 01 01. The expert opinion can; be made available to the executing company.; Three-phase current 16 A is available on the site, as is a drinking water connection. A toilet cannot be made available; A visit to the construction site in Oderbrück can be arranged by calling 05583 939064 or; 0172 2731 994. However, the site is currently open, so that a site inspection can also be carried out on your own; The measure should be carried out in 2024 if possible. If this is not possible, then by; April 2024.; Attention is drawn to the special snow situation in Oderbrück.

Opportunity closing date
27 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Städtische Betriebe Braunlage

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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