Canada - Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC), Specific Claims Branch, Agricultural Specialist Expert – Standing Offer Agreement

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
09 October 2024
Opportunity publication date
27 August 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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This Request for Standing Offers (RFSO) is being issued to satisfy the requirement of the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC), Specific Claims Branch (SCB) for Agricultural Specialist Expert.
The Specific Claims Branch (SCB) of Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC) deals with all Specific Claims in Canada. Specific Claims pertain to alleged past wrongs that arise from Canada’s alleged breach or non-fulfilment of lawful obligations found in treaties, agreements, or statutes (including the Indian Act). The main objective of the specific claims process is to arrive at a settlement whereby Canada pays financial compensation to a First Nation in exchange for releases and indemnities which mean that claim has been addressed with finality.
To determine appropriate compensation amounts, related to a specific negotiation table, technical studies are often conducted, relying on experts in different fields to review the claim and comment on the loss of use and the First Nation’s foregone opportunity to use the land to generate net profits. To this end, expert consultants are presently required to review loss of use claims related to the field of agriculture to provide technical advice when and as required. In some instances, Canada requires an independent loss of use study to be conducted.
CIRNAC seeks to award five (5) Standing Offer Agreement (SOA) to qualified firms. The services will be required on an as and required basis. For each work requirement, the services will be requested with a separate Call-up.
The SOA will be for a period of three (3) years with an additional two (2) one year option periods under the same terms and conditions.
The Request for Standing Offers (RFSO) is to establish National Master Standing Offers for the requirement detailed in the RFSO, to the Identified Users across Canada, excluding locations within Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Quebec, and Labrador that are subject to Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements (CLCAs). Any requirement for deliveries to locations within CLCAs areas within Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Quebec, or Labrador will have to be treated as a separate procurement, outside of the resulting standing offers.
There are security requirements associated with the requirement of the Standing Offer. For additional information, see Part 6 - Security, Financial and Insurance Requirements, and Part 7 - Standing Offer and Resulting Contract Clauses. For more information on personnel and organization security screening or security clauses, offerors should refer to the Contract Security Program of Public Works and Government Services Canada ( website.

Opportunity closing date
09 October 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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