Germany - Conversion of the FGS Mecklenburg from a conventional drive system to a purely electric drive

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
27 September 2024
Opportunity publication date
30 August 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Tender application: "Conversion of the FGS Mecklenburg from a conventional drive system to a purely electric drive"

As part of a grant in accordance with the guidelines of the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport for the promotion of emission-free and low-emission propulsion systems and the sustainable modernization of inland waterway vessels (funding program for the sustainable modernization of inland waterway vessels - propulsion systems) of 2 November 2023 (BAnz AT 28.11.2023 B5), we are inviting tenders for the conversion of the FGS Mecklenburg from a conventional propulsion system to a purely electric propulsion system.
- Type of award: Public invitation to tender

- Service and products: Construction services

- Tender scope: National tender

- Place of performance: Location of the shipyard

- Publication date: 30.08.2024

- Ship survey until: 23.09.2024

- Participation documents can be requested until: 21.09.2024, 12:00 noon

- Bid submission deadline: 27.09.2024, 12:00 noon
Contract notice

1st awarding authority: WFS Verwaltungs GmbH & Cie KG, Werderstraße 140, 19055 Schwerin, for the attention of Mr. Getz
2. type of award: public invitation to tender: Please request the tender documents in writing and directly from the above address.
3. the form in which requests to participate or tenders are to be submitted:Tenders are to be submitted by post.
4. if applicable in the cases of § 29 (3), the measures to protect confidentiality and the information on access to the tender documents: not specified
5. nature and scope of the service: conversion of the FGS Mecklenburg from a conventional drive system to a purely electric drive system

Place of performance: Location of the shipyard
6. number, size and type of individual lots: No lots are envisaged.
7. admission of secondary offers: No secondary tenders are permitted.
8. any provisions on the execution deadline: 31.03.2025
9. as a true-to-scale general plan is part of the tender documents, please request the tender documents in writing and directly from the following address:

WFS Verwaltungs GmbH & Cie KG, Werderstraße 140, 19055 Schwerin, for the attention of Mr. Getz
10. deadline for submission of bids: 27.09.2024 12:00 noon. The binding period ends on 12.12.2024 at 12:00 noon
11. amount of any security required: not known
12. Main terms of paymentPayment will be made according to construction progress:

1. award of contract: 25%

2. delivery of the batteries: 25%

3. installation of the batteries and drive motors: 25%

4. after completion of the successful test drive: 25%
13 The following documents must be submitted with the offer:

- Signed offer letter

- Signed list of services

- Signed application conditions and proof of the required application conditions

- Required references

- Required concept for accommodating the batteries

- Required energy concept for drive system and batteries

- Confirmation of the survey of the Mecklenburg
14. evaluation criteria:

- Offer price Evaluation →40%

- References Evaluation →15%

- Concept for accommodating the batteries and the drive and an energy concept for the drive system and batteries →30%

- Presentation as part of a lecture on the conversion of the Mecklenburg →15%

Opportunity closing date
27 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

WFS Verwaltungs GmbH & Cie. KG

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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